Sales invoices - Allocate overpayments and credits once published
Kelly Munro shut down discussion on an idea I suggested, because she was under the mistaken impression that she had resolved the issue, which she had not. I suggested that it would be useful to be able to allocate payment of purchase invoice against overpayments and credits. While what Kelly suggested was correct - that this is possible to do when an invoice is first raised, it is only possible at this stage. It is not possible later. I have a client whose main supplier operates a very complicated system of prepayment for orders. This results in a large number of overpayments. There are also some invoices which are not paid in advance (for other services and surcharges), but it is not obvious which these are until all the rest have been matched against the bank statement. So matching them to existing credits isn't an option. Kelly shut down my suggestion. Not a good example of listening to the customer, Xero. And I still have to open every single overpayment and credit note (from a few hundred pounds to pennies) and allocate them against the invoice, instead of opening the invoice and selecting the credits to be allocated from the drop down list. That can be a good hour of my time, and it's tedious. Thanks, Xero.

Hi Heather, while maybe slightly brash do appreciate the feedback.
With your added detail we're happy to have the idea in the forums here that we can get a feel for the appetite on - You're always welcome to reply to an update I've shared on an idea too and we can review this.
Please understand it's not my intention to inhibit customer feedback, but will do our best to highlight and share places where features and capability in the product do exist but may just be unknown by users.