Settings and activity
25 results found
337 votes
Hi everyone, we thoroughly appreciate your input and letting us know your appetite for being able to set the Reply to address for your Xero organisation, here in the idea. As many will have seen with new invoicing, our team have begun testing and making small change to the send experience. While we've been able to make these changes when developing other areas of Xero, we want to be upfront that we don't have a timeframe of when we'll upgrade the email settings page just yet, but this is something we will get to in time - when we do our team will also review the Reply to address options as part of this. So, though there is no movement to share on this just yet please know we will let you know here as soon as there is.
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8 votes
Heather Barclay supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Heather Barclay commented
Many small businesses aren't VAT registered. They pay the same subscription to Xero as VAT registered businesses - they just can't claim back the VAT. So why is Xero treating them like second class citizens and denying them benefits that bigger businesses can access?
I am tired of having to manually download Xero invoices every month. Why can't this be automated?
222 votes
Thanks for the feedback and great to hear the use you find in repeat templates in Xero.
While there's no way to bulk update templates atm, you may find updating your templates through export & import of invoices more helps quicken things up?
You could export invoices that have been generated from your template to CSV, update the amounts in the exported file, and then re-import.
This will create 'Draft' invoices in your Xero org from which you can create a Repeat template and then delete the draft. 🙂
An error occurred while saving the comment Heather Barclay commented
Rather than faff about with that, Kelly, it would be a lot easier if the software was able to just do the bulk update without users having to update templates whenever they need changes like this.
If there's "no way at the moment", when will there be? "We hear you and we ignore you" is not responsive customer service.
3 votes
Heather Barclay supported this idea ·
5 votes
Heather Barclay supported this idea ·
3 votes
Heather Barclay supported this idea ·
41 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Heather Barclay commented
It took me a long time and much frustrating searching before I discovered that the well understood term "payment on Account" was named "Overpayment" in Xero. While I understand that "overpayment" is the term used in New Zealand and Australia, isn't is possible to support international variations on the term? I log into Xero UK. Why can't the version of the software I use (which copes with specific UK functions such as our VAT setup) also cope with the concept of "Payment on Account"?
681 votes
Hi community, we appreciate this idea has collected a fair amount of votes and commentary. This has all been feedback and taken seriously by our product teams.
Currently, there are ways to record a bad debt in Xero, depending on your tax registration status and how you want the transactions to be recorded in your reports - We have help for this on Xero Central you can draw into.
We don’t have any plans in the near term to expand functionality to develop a button to write off invoices or bills as 'bad debt'. If anything changes in this space, we’ll update you on this idea!
Heather Barclay supported this idea ·
323 votes
Hi everyone, thanks for the idea and support here. We appreciate all the valuable feedback and ideas shared regarding the ability to split batch payments when reconciling, and understand it currently takes extra steps to reconcile when a single invoice among a batch has been paid, or when there are multiple payments to the same entity for different invoices.
Being transparent, we don’t have direct plans for making this change within the foreseeable future but if anything changes in this space, we’ll update you on this idea!Heather Barclay supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Heather Barclay commented
This would be a real time saver
46 votes
Heather Barclay supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Heather Barclay commented
In the bank reconciliation window, it would be really helpful if the "find and match" feature allowed searching by date range as well as name, reference and amount. This is particularly important where there are a high volume of individual payments of the same amount over a long period of time. This would speed up clean-up work significantly.
389 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Heather Barclay commented
This would save me hours every month!
Heather Barclay supported this idea ·
18 votes
Heather Barclay supported this idea ·
3 votes
Hi Heather, while maybe slightly brash do appreciate the feedback.
With your added detail we're happy to have the idea in the forums here that we can get a feel for the appetite on - You're always welcome to reply to an update I've shared on an idea too and we can review this.
Please understand it's not my intention to inhibit customer feedback, but will do our best to highlight and share places where features and capability in the product do exist but may just be unknown by users.
Heather Barclay shared this idea ·
1,113 votes
We appreciate wanting to see more rapid movement, everyone. Having done a lot of exploration into this area our team have a good handle on the needs to solve this, however we want to be honest that development will be some time away with the team currently focused on improving bills list views and updating add/edit bill pages. For the time being to keep you up to date we're going to move this idea back to Submitted until more active work takes place for this.
I can assure you this idea is the best place to be leaving feedback for this feature, and Xero Product Ideas as a whole is the best place to be sharing where you'd like to see change across Xero products. As a community team we're advocating on your behalf constantly to see where ideas can be worked on, and this site is where our product…
Heather Barclay supported this idea ·
79 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Heather Barclay commented
At present, only 5 bills can be posted each month using Xero starter. This is unrealistically low. If business can post 20 sales invoices, why can't the number of bills be increased to match? The jump in price between Starter and Xero is quite steep for new small businesses, and they are more likely to go to a rival software that offers more features and functionality for a very small price increase than to upgrade to standard.
Heather Barclay supported this idea ·
209 votes
Heather Barclay supported this idea ·
56 votes
Heather Barclay supported this idea ·
19 votes
Hi team, reviewing this idea our team are exploring the possibility of adding the ability to add a number of Freeform Notes in some of the Financial statements for FRS102 1a as part of our plans to improve the Notes & Disclosures and offer greater flexibility. We'll round back to share once we have confirmation for you all. 🙂
Heather Barclay supported this idea ·
143 votes
Heather Barclay supported this idea ·
653 votes
Hi community, first off thank you for the continued interest and feedback surrounding this idea. We’re continuing to build on the bank reconciliation experience in Xero and recognise the ways this feature will help improve the efficiency, flexibility and transparency of transactions in your business. Our team have done a lot of exploration into being able to surface and match Credit Notes when reconciling your bank account in Xero, and this is now in development.
We’ll shift the idea here into ‘Working on it’ and continue to update as there’s more detail of this to share.
An error occurred while saving the comment Heather Barclay commented
At present, the only way to allocate a credit note or overpayment is by opening the CN/OP, then selecting an invoice from the list that appears. When there are a lot of credit notes or overpayments from a particular supplier, mostly for small amounts, this is very cumbersome and time consuming. It would be helpful to add an additional method of allocation by opening an invoice, selecting a newly addded option to "use CN/OP" then allocate all credits or overpayments on the list that apply to that invoice. I have a client with a supplier who demands he pay upfront for his orders, then periodically allocates the credits and overpayments against an order which can be hundreds of pounds. This can mean opening up to thirty or forty overpayments and credits to clear the invoice. Being able to work directly from the invoice would save a lot of time.
Heather Barclay supported this idea ·
Translation: "Xero is so busy ruining the invoicing process, we haven't yet got round to a basic change that our customers really want."
Thanks, Kelly. You have confirmed that my decision to move the majority of my clients (all bar one) to different software was definitely the right one.