Batch Payments - Ability to 'split' when reconciling
Currently a client can upload a number of invoices and then create a batch payment for these invoices. When they make a payment for 1 of the invoices in the batch, you have to remove and redo the payment then match the separate invoice up, and then recreate the batch payment, excluding the amount which has now been paid. Would be easier if like with invoices, the batch payment could be split, saving the new to remove and then recreate the batch payment.

Hi everyone, thanks for the idea and support here. We appreciate all the valuable feedback and ideas shared regarding the ability to split batch payments when reconciling, and understand it currently takes extra steps to reconcile when a single invoice among a batch has been paid, or when there are multiple payments to the same entity for different invoices.
Being transparent, we don’t have direct plans for making this change within the foreseeable future but if anything changes in this space, we’ll update you on this idea!
Lisa Tyndall commented
Retain SPLIT functionality in reconciliation after bills have been marked as paid. I often have customers making more than one bank deposit or cc payment (or combination of) when settling an account. I don't want to have to enter these as separate payments in Xero - if I could still split after the bill is paid in full that would be a lot easier! I don't understand the point of this function being disabled once a bill is marked as paid.
Yazz Bhatti commented
Xero thinks that batch payment is only for making a 'payment file' to send to a bank.
Whilst this is useful - there should be another option to simply mark something as a batch payment - then each individual invoice or bill needs to have the same reference number applied against it.At the moment, when paying a customer, say 5 invoices, I go in to each invoice, mark as paid and send a remittance for each individual invoice.
The alternative is to 'mark as paid' as a batch - send the remittance, unreconcile it, then go in and mark each individual invoice as paid and then reconcile them together against the bank reconciliation page.
LONG winded - unnecessary and downright useless.
Bank reconciliation needs to be better thought out. Or at least listen to your users.
Carole-Ann Beal commented
I totally agree that when paying a variety of suppliers, set up as a batch for a particular payment date, having the facility to send the remittance advice's as a batch, but then choosing whether the payments should be recorded as a batch or individually on the bank account would be really useful.
Ian Greene commented
I agree that Xero needs to allow individual edits eg to an invoice (that has been reconciled) or particular item needing adjustment, imagine having to un-reconcile a large batch of invoices to edit just one invoice (customer pays final amount with credit card so you need to add surcharge but to do so you need to un-reconcile the whole batch, edit said invoice then re-reconcile the whole batch), seems very illogical and terrible efficiencies to have to do this.
Alethea Hyde commented
I am still unsure as to why if I choose to make a 'batch payment' such as the following:-
Kimble $450
Kimble $2100
Kimble $5403
Stanley $250
Stanley $250As it is going to pay to the same entity for more than one invoice, the batch payment errors out with Commonwealth Bank
It will not let you pay separate invoices in the one batch payment :( :( to the same entityPresently if I have more than one entity's invoice I have to set up a separate batch payment for each. Otherwise I am doing a lot of messing around and time wasting leaving me not bothering with batch payments most times
Adam Bent commented
Currently Xero only allows payment files to be created as a batch. If, for any reason, one payment needs to be edited, the whole batch needs to be edited. Or, if you need to make a series of payments to the same recipient using unique references, you are unable to do so as Xero consolidates the payment information.
Xero should offer the option to create a batch file or create a payment file of individual lines for export. -
Heather Barclay commented
This would be a real time saver
Elizabeth Arnott commented
It would be great not to have to unpick a whole batch and re-enter just because one entry is incorrect
Cherron Christie commented
@Joanne Henderson
You can override the value in the payments column just before you continue to close out the batch. I use this function almost weekly as we often have to pay deposits only on full invoice values. I have attached a screenshot for reference :)
step 1. Select the bill/s you want to pay - Click make payment
step 2. Choose bank account to pay from
step 3. It is here in the review payments area on that line for that bill that you can click into it and override the value to pay and that will transpose to the batch. Here I have used your $25 example to show you the bill value is $778.53 but I am only going to pay $25, reducing the entire batch. -
Joanne Henderson commented
I receive some bills that we pay in instalments, eg invoice to us $100, we pay quarterly amounts of $25. I cannot see how to pay less that the full amount of the invoice in the batch payment.
Sabrina Pernas commented
not being able to reconcile a batch payment in Xero with several lines of a bank statement is UNACCEPTABLE. How is it possible we can match several transaction in Xero with one bank statement line but not the other way round. I makes NO SENSE AT ALL. This is definitely a NO GO for Xero. Others Like quickbooks or zoho books are able to do so
Sherry Chua commented
If I missed one payment, I need to redo the whole thing again. I hope we can add more payments in edit payment batch. Thanks!
Reshma Briglal commented
Ability to pay a bill/batch payment in installments using the bank file.