Settings and activity
6 results found
76 votes
Tammy Webster supported this idea ·
379 votes
Tammy Webster supported this idea ·
547 votes
Hi everyone, we thoroughly appreciate your engagement and sharing how custom fields would be advantageous to you here.
With lots of work for 'building on beautiful' underway atm, we want to be honest that custom fields is not planned in the near term.
Some in the idea here, may find the recent addition of Notes that can be added within the Contact Details section of a contacts record useful in being able to record and view specific detail relative to a contact at present - More on this shared here
We'll continue to evaluate the viability of largely voted ideas such as this when there is resource, however this unlikely in the next 12 months.
Tammy Webster supported this idea ·
86 votes
Tammy Webster supported this idea ·
278 votes
Tammy Webster supported this idea ·
323 votes
Hi everyone, thanks for the idea and support here. We appreciate all the valuable feedback and ideas shared regarding the ability to split batch payments when reconciling, and understand it currently takes extra steps to reconcile when a single invoice among a batch has been paid, or when there are multiple payments to the same entity for different invoices.
Being transparent, we don’t have direct plans for making this change within the foreseeable future but if anything changes in this space, we’ll update you on this idea!Tammy Webster shared this idea ·