Settings - Set default for 'Show [x] items per page'
Can the items per page be made an updateable default on all tabs? i.e. remember my setting until I change it again. So, on the contacts page I'd like to select 200 per page and have Xero remember that preference until I change it again.

Jerome Fink commented
I like to scan large sets of transactions for outliers or incorrect postings. It's a real nuisance having to expand to 1000 items per page often.
Kevin Parry commented
Astounding that this has been raised years ago and nothing has been done. Any business that has larger lists (contacts, inventory etc) would probably like to option to control the number of items showing. It should be part of the set up/layout settings.
Julia Devishkova commented
Also journals page allows to view only 25 items by default. In many companies there are more than 25 journals for 1 month! Need to extend to 200 each time I need to find a journal. Once you click to view a journal and go back, you see again only 25 journals. Very annoying, especially if you need to amend backdated journals. It slows down speed of work!
Trish Carlton-Larsen commented
It is such a basic request that should be able to be defaulted in the background.
Lori Notman commented
Too few items as default per page, also needs higher quantity 500, 1000 etc
Would be better to have option at top of page to reduce scrolling all the way down to make a selection then back to top to view lines. -
Victoria Aldworth commented
I don't understand why this isn't a thing yet - it's so frustrating and time consuming to have to keep changing it every time. Please get it changed as a matter of urgency.
Sharan McNaughton commented
This suggestion was made over two years ago, with several people supporting it since then, and yet no action on it? There must be a lot more people with the same issue who don't know to comment here.
Trish Carlton-Larsen commented
What everyone else has said.
Have to keep cancelling batch payments because it keeps going to 100.
Then change to 200 and redo.
Very frustrating. -
Brent Wilson commented
Exactly the same as everyone else. Please default to all the items per page.
And please have some indication whether Xero is working to solve the issue or not - it is important to know if it's worth commenting or not.
Sue Gower commented
PLEASE UPDATE preference/program settings so Xero remembers the selected number of items per page.
We would also love to have this option. - And the Send Invoice pop-up window back, please.
Jo Mackinlay commented
PLEASE UPDATE preference/program settings so Xero remembers selected number of items per page.
Also, it would be great if the customer email populated the Send Invoice pop up window after you click Approve & Send. This disappeared with the new update and its frustrating.
Thank you.
Sunshine Santer commented
It is so frustrating constantly having to change the items per page every time you go back to it. PLEASE update it so we can set preferences on this or at the very least so that the program remembers our last setting.
Forrest Fresh commented
It is very frustrating to have to keep changing to maximum items per page. every time you sign out of page
also causing issues on to be paid only allowing 200 items per page.
Can there be unlimited or at least 1,000 - or keep items selected when changing to another page. -
Ruth Mitchell commented
It would be great to have the option to display an unlimited amount of items for each contact, rather than have a limited amount listed where you have to constantly click back and forth between pages.
Although you can produce a report to this effect, it would streamline our processes to default to view all activity rather than "X" amount of lines per page.
Ali McTear | Steiners Interiors commented
This is a pet bugbear of mine - I set it to 200 then as soon as I leave the page it defaults back to 25. Even saving it for a session would be better than nothing!
But I guess since the original submission is nearly 2 years old, it ain't gonna happen! -
Richard Sands commented
I agree - we should be able to set (and save) our own default settings:
I need 200 per page defaults and I need more companies in 'Change organisation'.- Xero is still pretty clunky.
And while I'm at it, Xero should have a Consolidation feature..... I have resorted to JOIIN ap, which is fantastic on report writing, balancing interCompany Loans and viewing all entities P&L and BS in one place.
Karyn Goddard commented
I too hate having to keep changing the items per page EVERY SINGLE TIME! SO ANNOYING.
Jen Sholakis commented
This used to be a thing but they took it away. Please bring it back
Liz Arter commented
how can we escalate this - so basic but would be so handy
Anita Wildman commented
Yes pls - agree with this.