Hubdoc - Extract all line item details including inventory items
Extract not only basic information like dates, names, etc., but also line items for less manual entry or having to find outside apps to do it.

Denise Scott commented
Come on Xero, this has been an issue with Hubdoc for a long time now. Many are using Apron, Dext or AutoEntry to do this when we should be able to have this function with Hubdoc. Please speed up the updates for this program.
Win Smith commented
I'm about to use Veryfi which has a very bad sync with xero, regular errors, inability to sync with inventory, inconsistent contacts/tags etc but I am using it ONLY because their OCR is good at pulling out line item details from a receipt and converting it into a bill in xero. Am I missing something, can Hubdoc do this?
Sebastian Naumann commented
We need this ASAP. I already asked Vic.AI, but they want too much money for an implementation.
Andy Taylor commented
I decided to give Hubdoc a go, but the lack of line extraction means that it is a complete and utter waste of my time. Looks like I’ll be sticking with Dext for now.
Nicoleen Booyens commented
I buy stock items and Hubdoc only allows me to choose items that are not tracked (non stock items). Please add the option to choose any items for lines -not only non-stock items.
Aileen Pennington commented
The autosync is handy when you have lots of the same invoices coming in every week however, it would be even better if you could have multiple line items, very much like creating a rule in Bank Reconciliations in Xero.
David Monteith commented
This has become a bigger issue now that Dext is offering this functionality.
Do it one step better and don't charge an extra per item fee for this.
William Hilsum commented
Right now, Hubdocs doesn't save that much time - probably 20-40 seconds an invoice when they are simple and straight forward.
Anything with multiple lines that needs to go to separate categories takes time to separate out, and god forbid you change quantities with VAT rounding issues... It's a nightmare.
PLEASE build this improvement - it will be a game changer and at this point we are actually looking at other financial packages that can do this out the box.
Having a match for line items that only allows
Elaine Parker commented
As previous comments, the value added comes with th automation of line items
Bevan Falloon commented
This should be number 1 priority IMO. Without it the app doesn't save a whole load of time. The only real benefit for us is that is keeps all the processing in once place rather than via email. Other than that the automation piece isn't that valuable... until line items are supported.
Leandri Hanekom commented
We would like to draw a report of a specific job using the unique number to see what we spent on that job. I hope this makes sense. (Pastel accounting system allowed us to do this)
Thank you for considering my idea. -
AdminJonathan Harper (Admin, Xero) commented
Hi Leandri, thanks for raising your idea about unique number reports in Hubdoc.
Could you please include some info on how this would be helpful for you in your day-to-day work?
Leandri Hanekom commented
It would be great to have the following:
When an invoice is created in hubdoc with a specific / unique number (which can be added in the description bar) and published to Xero (we are in construction and all our jobs receive a unique number) it would be nice to be able to draw a report of that specific job number in Xero for costing purposes. -
Muhammad Akram commented
will help maintain inventory
Daniel Leapman commented
Agree that extracting the details from bill documents would be incredibly helpful.
The previous invoice details are recalled automatically and it makes it easy to accidentally input the last transaction's description if not careful.
Some way of selecting the text on the page to be used as the transaction description would be ideal.