New invoicing - Ability to add Account Code within the invoice
It would be helpful and efficient to be able to make or add an account code straight from the "account code" dropdown in the bill/invoice/journal without needing to go to chart of accounts to make a new one. Currently, users still need to go to the chart and then go back to the bill/invoice/journal but since this refreshes the page, it erases all the data already filled up in the invoice.
Hi all, appreciate how this suggestion would make life easier 😊 This is a feature that our team are looking to improve, and they have plans to enable a quick link to go to the COA (similar to quotes today). They do hope to enable the ability to add a new account directly within the Invoices screen however there are a few other pieces of work lined up before they can tackle that.
We'll shift to Under review and I'll keep you updated of any progress!
Charmaine Hutchinson commented
I see that the view on the new invoice layout does NOT show our company product codes nor our chart of account information. This is a problem for us as we use these fields regularly to identify issues or incorrect coding.
Peter Russell-Wilks commented
I agree with Volha on showing the account code next to the account name as it already does in Classic invoicing would be helpful.
New invoicing has too many irratating drawbacks compared to classic invoicing for Xero to remove the classic invoicing option.
Chantelle Frendo commented
this was added and now removed with the new invoicing system
Volha Laiter commented
If there's a possibility to include the account code alongside the account names on the bills. Having both details visible would greatly assist in easier identification and organization on our end.