Chat - Insights and actions
I'd like to see a chat /conversational interface like ChatGPT where we can ask it questions like
What was our profitability last month?
Where is our biggest opportunity to cost cut?
If I want to get profit to $*** with the same revenues what areas should I focus on cutting the most?
The goal here is to have conversational chat with Xero to dig through the data that's there and find action items to improve the business finances.

Interesting idea - Thanks for sharing, Carl.
Not something we have in the plans atm but we'll begin to get a sense of the interest surrounding this here.
In the meantime, if you'd like to get a view of insights from your org, you might like to look into Xero Analytics and Analytics Plus with Business Snapshot and Short term cashflows, two dashboards that give insight into your business information.
Andrew Vassili commented
Hi, I run which is like ChatGPT but trained on Australian taxation data and currently used by almost a thousand Australian accountants. I've been thinking about creating a Xero app for this that would be targeted at accountants/tax professionals rather than business owners, although I wouldn't necessarily need access to Xero APIs. Given that, I'm unsure if it's even possible to submit such as app to the Xero app store?
Mason James commented
I would much prefer a chatgpt plugin. Although, perhaps a 3rd parties can create this connection via API? I saw this but wasn't sure of the legitimacy: appear to have the solution (but brings another vendor into the mix)