Account Transactions Report | Paid or Unpaid Bills / Invoices
I wish to see if invoices are paid on unpaid when pulling account transaction reports.
Accounting - Account Transaction Report - Columns - (add if we can see if bill/invoice paid or unpaid)
There is no way currently when pulling this report to see if the bills are paid or not.
Apologies for not seeing your response here sooner, Jayden. Thanks for sharing that image. I do hope you've got your answer already but to confirm for anyone viewing here - That screenshot appears to be the Account Transactions report.
To view paid or unpaid invoices or bills you'll want to run the Receivable or Payable Invoice Detail reports. This is a slightly different report to what you're looking at and can be found in the Payables and Receivables section of the reports centre.
Jayden Lawrence commented
For some reason I do not have the Status option, Is this because of my xero permissions allocated to me by my employer? Please see my attachment for easier understanding. Thank you.
Jayden Lawrence commented
How do I Included if the status has been Paid? When I pull this report, I can only see those bills / invoices that are unpaid. The struggle I have is pulling all bills allocate to a certain Job through Job tracking with a simple display on if each of these bills have been paid or unpaid.
Thank you
Iryna Dorosh commented
Agree, that would be super useful.
Vicky Jacob commented
We use the account transactions all the time, as it has so much information on it, and we can flex the report so well depending on what we need to do. However one key piece of information we can't seem to get from this report is the payment status. It would be really useful if we could have a column to show if the bill (or invoice) is paid. Also if it is approved for payment.
We can get this information from the "bills you need to pay" export, but it is so much clearer in the accounting transactions, especially where we need to see the net line items only. I often end up manually reconciling between the two reports to get the overview, which takes a long time.