Contact List - Viewing notes from the Contact List
Ability to view notes added within the contact details section from the list view.
This would help with viewing contact notes across different contacts, for detail such as method of payment or terms of service.

Brianna Duff commented
It would be great if we could add a note to a group rather than just an individual client.
Barbara Hardwick commented
This is so important. Xero does not seem to have been written by anyone who has actually used an accounting system before! Why can't I run a report that shows the notes field? Why can't I select the fields to export? Why can't I run a report that lists all the contacts, show their groups, shows the notes and any other random field from their record? Why is it so difficult?
Karin van der Lee commented
The History and Notes section needs to be put back into the Invoices Activity section. This function was always available. This is vital for credit control, the notes are stored against a certain invoice and is not easily found. This is such a huge step backwards from what it was.
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
This would make notes way more useful and not so forgotten.
Emma Sharpe commented
It would be very helpful if Contact Notes could be exported into excel/PDF along with the debtors reports so that we can see the latest contact made with the clients, it would save time having to update notes on other debtors reports each month. It would be great if it could be included as part of the export file for aged debtors.
Jenny Chalmers commented
It would be super helpful to be able to search and report on the Notes field. Also, it should be included as part of the export file for Contacts. It doesn't appear to be at the moment.
Susan Lindsay commented
The History and Notes section needs to be put back into the Invoices Activity section. This function was removed in the update, however it is very difficult to refer to contact and notes with customers relating to certain invoices as you have to keep going back and forth. it is so time consuming not to mention confusing. It would also be beneficial to have all emails and contact phone numbers showing, otherwise you have to keep going into edit!!
Sharon Fry commented
Not sure this is the right place, but my suggestion deals with the recent changes to the Contacts screen under Activity tab. The "history and notes" has been dropped to the bottom of the screen which is NOT helpful at all. Especially with long-term clients that have LOTS of invoices. Please allow for the "Activity" screen to be edited similar to the Dashboard to where we can move things around.
Anne Willcock commented
And also multiple contact email addresses etc without having to go into "Edit"
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
Please add this ability to the note section. The notes should also be time stamped and the name of the user who made the note should be viewable as well.
I have mentioned in another post about how the new note feature is really basic and lacking usability...You can make a note on the contact that's great but what can you do with this???Nothing.
We need to choice to be able to make a note pop-up when invoicing the contact, when viewing invoices, when uploading bills, when paying bills. I know others have also requested notes to be able to be seen in reports as well.
Having one note section which can have up to 4000 characters is a pretty slack job at resolving this issue.
David Stockford commented
We have customers who have payment systems such as Tungsten, Coupra etc.
We would like a way to record this information and display it against the client to be displayed