Sales Invoice - Bulk Approve and Email
Please add the ability to bulk approve and email invoices simultaneously.

Hi Brett, separate actions in them self but it is possible to Approve multiple invoices at once from the Draft tab. When actioned you'll see a message from which you can 'View invoices' and multi select to Email.
Being open this isn't something we have plans for right now - Is there a common scenario, or specific reason you'd like these actions as one? It'd be good detail to share back with the team.
Kevin Storm commented
When bulk approving invoices, they then get "lost" in the list of unpaid ones. If they can be approved and emailed individually from within the invoices themselves, why can't this be done from the draft or awaiting approval tabs using the tickboxes on the lefthand side?
Rob Carson commented
We import all our invoices to Xero from our practice management software. They are imported as draft invoices. Once the invoices are in Xero I have to go through each invoice and complete the following steps otherwise Xero won't send reminders for overdue invoices.
- Set the date to today (which also sets the due date)
- Set the invoice to approved
- Set the invoice sentA solution to this would be to be able to select all draft invoices and bulk set them to approved and sent. This must be an issue for others.
Ashleigh Tonks commented
This would be fabulous for those companies who's invoices are generated through a 3rd party application (Inventory management system) - the ability to be able to Approve & Email all invoices for the day at one time (hundreds) Would save us a lot of time.