Sales Invoice | Discount - Ability to set account (not impact line Account)
Discounts - the ability for the discounts in sales to be allocated to an expense account rather than distorting sales figures. At the moment each line item has the cost of the item then applies say 10% discount equals net which then is allocated to the sales account. I would like the option to allocate discounts to an expense called discounts given so that we can track and show the correct sales figures. By distorting sales figures you could be affecting calculations like WET. other programs allows you to setup discounts given & taken and freight even.

Ignacio Moran Merzi commented
I absolutely agree! i need the same, becouse is importartant for us know the real amount of sales and discount.
Erin Sulllivan commented
I have exactly the same problem. This would be great and does not seem like a huge stretch, hopefully, for Xero. When you have a high volume of invoices to reconcile with early payment discounts it can take forever.