AU Payroll: Ability to archive or delete old timesheets
I want to be able to archive or delete old, previously processed timesheets. In the timesheets section, processed timesheets from 2018 continually rise to the top and it is annoying and time consuming to always change the sorting order to find the most recent, or filter via a start date. This is all annoying. I want to remove old or previously processed timesheets from this list, or at the very least, have recent timesheets/those waiting to be processed automatically listed at the top.

Lorraine Radosavic commented
Totally agree, its clunky. There should be a similar set up to eg purchases, with a tab structure, processed, draft, approve. Then at least we don't have to find the current timesheet to be actioned. C'mon Xero - lets add this easy update.
Melanie Pearce commented
It would be great to also be able to manually change timesheets to "processed"
Yana Kalugina commented
Agreed. We have taken on new clients, whose payroll records are a mess, but we are not engaged to fix up any previous mistakes. There are about 8 years worth of timesheets that weren't used in payruns (owner used to create an unshceduled payrun every week and manually put in the hours from the submitted timesheet!). Would be great if we could clear them out or mark as Processed, so that they don't appear for us every week when we process current payroll
Robyn Organ commented
Totally agree!