Account transactions report - Include item code as a column
Add item code as a column option in the account transactions report

Julie Cooper commented
without this item code being included everything is manual and who has that time!
Nadine Hyslop commented
Yes! I've just been directed to the 'receivable invoice detail' report, however for a year of transactions I can see that being a big job to sift through everything.
Basically we are not a retail business but use untracked item codes for pricing reasons on our services for easy adjustment (and some line items have set line info which saves time). We cant use the tracking categories as that is used to track which truck was used.
We are only human - so we need to be able to run a report to see a certain range of our sales accounts have been mistakenly left out being assigned to these items as it will affect the overall pricing at EOY. -
Daryl Carver commented
Essential - i really dont understand how anyone can easily analsye their transactions to be honest? Surely in a relational database this must be a '5 second' fix?
Jennifer Tryggvason commented
Yes! As it stands I can't see item by tracking category, but if the item code were on the transaction list, I could filter the transactions report by tracking category, then export and sort by item.
It's a major shortcoming that I can't find any way to sort the item report by tracking category. -
Barbara Fusco commented
Yes, please add a column to the Account Transactions report to see the related product/service code - this is crucial for reporting on direct costs and revenue. And it is important to include both purchase invoices and spend money items, as the Payable Invoice Detail report does not include Spend Money items. So it is essential to be able to see it all in one single report instead of having to run several reports each time - really time consuming!
Shimas Jiffry commented
Sales transaction report - we are unable to find a separate column for item code, it will be helpful if its available as we can extract the sales report with item code to do Vlookup workings to find out if the goods are invoiced / sold as per the instructed prices. at the moment it reflects only the description and it will be helpful if the item code can be added.