Invoice Detail
No Tradespeople doing work for me provide a breakdown as part of their invoice ie hourly rate, number of hours or materials cost.
One I asked said there wasn't enough room. Another, when requested for this information, sent it in the body of an email.
Why is this happening?

Hi Sue, not really an idea as such here - this could be a question you ask in Discussion over in Xero central to understand how other businesses in Trades are working with invoicing.
The current fields of an invoice are listed here - the way you'd like to record hours and materials qty's associated to your work may be good to get advice from your advisor on.
For example, if you have regular services or items that you sell you could set these up as untracked items, and leave indicators int he description field of where you'd like a Tradesperson to write hours worked or Qty of materials used.
Alternatively, they could type the hours in the Qty and Price would be their hourly rate, or qty would be numbers of units of a material and price would be the cost per individual unit.