Notice of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Option to generate a Notice of Electronic Funds document to send to suppliers requiring immediate proof of payment. Said Notice to include:
remittance date
name/contact details of remitting party
reference / description for payment being made
the bank details of both the remitting and beneficiary banks
Not an original idea but I received a notice from a customer. Today I was asked to submit one to a supplier as proof of payment so they could ship out an urgent delivery but I could not provide one. See sample document attached for reference.

Hi Nina, this is something I'd recommend engaging your financial institution or bank about. While you can set up and create a payment in Xero, the confirmation of funds transfer would come at the point the money is paid from your actual bank account to the suppliers bank account.
If your suggestion however is from the Sales side where you'd like to request your own customers provide proof of payment for invoices you send to them perhaps this could be worked into your organisations branding as part of the payment terms?