User Role - Ability to share a published report with users
Every month I publish, export and share reports with certain individuals. I would like to do this within Xero. I set up users who can have "View published reports" access. When I publish a report I can then select that report and choose which of these users I wish to share it with. The user is notified, can login to Xero and is then presented with a list of published reports that have been shared with them. It keeps all the functionality native to Xero.

Rosalind Connolly commented
Hi Stephen - I imagine this only works for users with read only access? How did you define this access to only viewing published reports? I would like to limit access to the EDIT LAYOUT feature for custom reports for a user who has STANDARD access. Currently Xero won't allow permission levels to distinguish reporting options across GL and custom and published reports and access to the layout editor. thanks
Moneka Townes commented
It would be great if we could notify our clients when their financial statements have been published. The use of the Xero portal and personal log in for clients is great. However, it would be more efficient and time saving if there was a way to enable notifications. Same for expenses and upload documents in the files section. Sometime my clients upload their expenses to the files but I don’t know unless I go into the files and see what was uploaded.
April Mertens commented
My clients access most of their viewing data on the app but cannot see the monthly reports that I publish without logging into the website. Can these published reports be viewed on the app? Can they receive a notification when new reports are published?
Mercedes Martinez Monroy commented
Did this ever happened? I have seen report workflows on QBs that come out as per their scheduled time. I thought we could do this with Xero too?
Greg Caudell commented
Notify Client when reports are published to Xero! Each month I publish client financial statements to the clients Xero company. It would be incredible it I could send a message through Xero to notify clients that their reports have been published! Life - changing - Incredible!