Bank Transfer - Attach file/Split Transfer/Add Tracking/Amend
Bank Transfers - they are great and easy - but it would be awesome if we could just improve them in the following ways - some of these suggestions incorporates other suggestions - but thinking if you are working on improving this functionality - it would be great to do it all at once. Currently when you create a transfer from the Bank feed - you can only select a bank account and enter a reference - it would be great if you could also, add tracking code(s) on that screen too (as currently if you need to attach tracking codes to a bank transfer, you have to create the transfer manually which is so time consuming) and that there was an add details functionality - which enabled you to attach document (similar to the create option) and to split the transfer over multiple bank accounts (eg when a Transfer is happening to pay multiple credit cards). It would then be great after the transfer transaction has been created, if you could also amend the transfer transaction rather than have to delete it and recreate it. Thanks

Yehuda Neuberger commented
Absolutely needed for charity with multiple restricted funds - this is really not covered well by Xero and is very complex to get right.
Tabby Johnson commented
This is essential for non-profit accounting
Michael Moore commented
An example this split function usefulness would solve is where a new single loan (bank account) is established to re-finance two other existing loan bank accounts. the new bank account only has single a lump sum transaction but ends up as two deposits into the existing loans however the only option is to record it as a single transfer to one bak account.
Terry Hughes commented
We have created a tracking entity with its own bank account which was initially funded from a transfer from the main account. However in the balance sheet report the new entity only shows transactions not the initial balance.
Mahmoud Dennawi commented
just the way we can split a bill payment in the bank reconciliation we need to split transfers received because sometimes an amount is received from a bank as One bulk amount but it arrives to it's destination as two or three amounts.
since we can't split a received transfer we are obliged to make it manually which leads to unreconciled transactions in both bank accounts. -
Judith Porter commented
I would like to be able to attach a document when posting a bank transfer. Currently you can only attach a file once the transfer has already been posted. This means finding the transactions and attaching the document twice - once in each bank account.
Elizabeth Cockell commented
Hopefully one day this screen will have more options for splitting off a transfer to multiple accounts at the same time!
Elizabeth Cockell commented
In the Transfer Money screen it would be amazing if you could select multiple accounts to transfer to in one transaction. Currently I have to create multiple transfers to each individual account and then reconcile them all.