Reports - Export to excel with dashes instead of zeroes
It would be helpful to have the reports, once exported to Excel, already formatted, so that the Nil values are shown as a 'dash' as opposed to '0'. This is particularly useful when there is a large report or several reports with lots of data. It is more efficient when it comes to reviewing the figures, and saves having to custom format the individual reports. We have also had clients, who still prefer reports on Excel, ask for reports in this format, it is time consuming having to change, especially when it is a large reporting pack.

Kristen Saunders commented
Have the option to show nil balance as a number ie - 0.00 instead of just a dash -
Showing an actual zero instead of dash, or at least having the option to would make the report visually easier to read, as the dash gets lost in all the report lines especially when running an account transaction or general ledger report with lots of accounts.
Lisa Dickson commented
After yet another Saturday lost migrating old reports to new ones, I am so annoyed I feel I have to vent again.
I hate these reports (and unsurprisingly Xero bills).
My clients hate these reports (and unsurprisingly Xero bills).
From the feedback in your community and in other accountant groups I am in, the majority of other users hate them too.
What have you done? What a mess.
This is a massive backwards step in terms of the beautiful user interface we had, readability and useability.
I find I have to export them now to a google sheet because they are so much harder to read on a screen than they were before when you have lots of data for bigger and more sophisticated clients.
I get that we are stuck with these new reports.
So please fix them.
They are too big, too ugly and font is awful. New reports and new functionality - should look more like the old reports which seenilgly most people liked.
You have common formats - great. Now please create a template overlay that we can use to rebuild our old reports in the new format, one that applies to all common formats. Instead of having to manually recreate them for every common format - just like they worked in the old reports. .Every new account code has to be manually moved in every template. Seriously?
You have the old report converter - great. I've used that and converted most reports over - but these new reports are limited. These don't work properly with the date range selectors.The columns are not dynamic. Monthly reports can't be changed to quarterly or yearly for a different view. You have to copy the converted report and manually change the date ranges and save as a new custom report for the different date range.
As for the wrapping of account names which creates even more ugly reports. I have no words.
These look basic. Childlike and amateurish. I am embarrassed to show them to my clients.
I'm tempted to invoice Xero for the insane amount of time I am wasting rebuilding all these reports and the amount of time trying to help clients come to grips with these awful changes.