Settings and activity
31 results found
114 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Kristen Saunders commented
This field would help match our bills received to our sales system which generates our POs
Kristen Saunders shared this idea ·
14 votes
Is there a specific report or reports you'd like to do this with, Suveera.
Xero analytics is one way of getting more of a visual view of an organisations performance, or alternatively you'll find there are a couple of reports like the Income and Expense by Contact reports that enable you to show a chart of your top 10 customers or suppliers.
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
3 votes
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
21 votes
Hi everyone, thanks for your feedback and detail of why searching b y serial # would be of use. We understand how this'd be beneficial when you have multiple of the same asset being registered.
At this time, as with a few parts of Xero our product team in the Fixed Assets space are focused on updating some core Fixed Assets technology to provide future capability and a consistent look and feel to what you've begun seeing in other parts of Xero like reports, and invoicing.
We'll keep watching the support for ideas closely and share any updates with you all.
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
87 votes
Hi everyone, it'd be good to know if there are there any specific reports that you'd find this particularly helpful in?
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
8 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kristen Saunders commented
Have the option to show nil balance as a number ie - 0.00 instead of just a dash -
Showing an actual zero instead of dash, or at least having the option to would make the report visually easier to read, as the dash gets lost in all the report lines especially when running an account transaction or general ledger report with lots of accounts.
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
64 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kristen Saunders commented
I would like to give our employees access to Xero Me however I don't wish for them to have access to the timesheet because 1. we are using another system and 2. it seems they would also have access to the list of all the pay items. I would only like them to see pay items relevant to them not all the pay items for all the different states.
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
39 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kristen Saunders commented
definitely need to make credit notes from the draft area
i don't understand why this has not been possible from the start
seems like a pretty basic functionKristen Saunders supported this idea ·
266 votes
Appreciate the interest here, everyone. Being open this isn't something we have current plans for.
Thanks for noting the optional paths atm, Paula! Understand it's not the solution being asked here however for those that haven't already we'd recommend looking to connect Hubdoc to help automate the process. 🙂
An error occurred while saving the comment Kristen Saunders commented
I note this has been sitting here for 5 years so i don't think anything will ever be done about it.
Xero has money for fancy tv ads but none for basic common sense product development.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kristen Saunders commented
Its beyond ridiculous that this doesn't already exist.
I don' t want to use Hub Doc either. (Does Xero think palming off basic functionality to a 3rd party add on is how you solve functionality issues?)
Could you please fix this.
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
80 votes
Hi everyone, we've begun rolling out a new feature that enables you to reconcile a period in Xero which'll be available to users with the Standard or Advisor roles. This'll appear as a new tab within a bank account (next to Account Transactions). From here, you can capture the period dates and balances from your statement, and Xero will automatically show and select all transactions within the period. Once the period is reconciled, you'll be able to close it to prevent transactions being deleted or unreconciled within that period. You'll find details of how to access and use reconcile a period on Xero Central.
As a start we'll be making this feature available to all US and CA organizations, so I'll be back to confirm once fully live in these regions. 🙂
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
563 votes
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the possible solution we shared a few months ago. After careful consideration taking all feedback on board, we will not be moving forward with this solution.
We're still considering how we might solve for the issues presented here over the long term and there are other pieces of work the team are currently delving into such as duplicate bills detection that may also help solve some needs here.
That said, we'll move the idea back to Submitted and continue to keep you updated on any progression that can help the needs expressed through the idea here. Thanks
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
328 votes
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
57 votes
Hi everyone, I appreciate feelings shared in not seeing traction as fast as you'd like to ideas you're interested across Xero Product Ideas.
Our community team are pure advocates for our customers ideas internally, making sure these are shared and highlighted to the teams and individuals that can make a difference, and doing our best to get ideas reviewed and into our teams planning wherever possible.
We receive ideas for incremental, and large changes to existing products, as well as for new features entirely. With so many customers the range of ideas coming from our users is large, and we cannot action all things at once.
We try to be transparent in our communication and updates to ideas across the site, even if this means there is no current development planned for a feature.
I can assure you the site here is a tool that all our product teams find…
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
6 votes
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
17 votes
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
26 votes
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
1,114 votes
We appreciate wanting to see more rapid movement, everyone. Having done a lot of exploration into this area our team have a good handle on the needs to solve this, however we want to be honest that development will be some time away with the team currently focused on improving bills list views and updating add/edit bill pages. For the time being to keep you up to date we're going to move this idea back to Submitted until more active work takes place for this.
I can assure you this idea is the best place to be leaving feedback for this feature, and Xero Product Ideas as a whole is the best place to be sharing where you'd like to see change across Xero products. As a community team we're advocating on your behalf constantly to see where ideas can be worked on, and this site is where our product…
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
2 votes
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
384 votes
Hi everyone, we appreciate all your feedback on how we could evolve roles for customers using Xero. As you can see through the ideas on the platform, there are a wide range of combinations of permissions our customers want to see us build. As user roles impact all areas of the product, there are many considerations we must factor in when assessing how to solve for majority of our customers needs.
We’re beginning to conduct research on the current landscape and how we might approach some of the most predominant needs in roles for our customers. Front footing this, the discovery of this work will be long winded and there will be multiple phases of research and forms of engagement with users that’ll help shape the path ahead in this space.
We’d like to invite you, our community to be part of this research and discovery. This may involve interviews…An error occurred while saving the comment Kristen Saunders commented
I would like to be able to allow people who work in sales and chase money to have read only access to customers, their invoice history and invoices outstanding without seeing the rest of xero (banks, reports, purchases, payroll) as it would save time if they could look this up themselves instead of having to stop what I’m doing to get the information they need.
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·
86 votes
Kristen Saunders supported this idea ·