Reports - Accounts display in GL account number order on reports
The ability to have accounts display in GL account number order on reports. It boggles the mind that this is not an option already!

Hi everyone, it'd be good to know if there are there any specific reports that you'd find this particularly helpful in?
Nadia Tremblay commented
It'd be helpful to have this ability for all custom reports. Currently, you have to drag and drop each and every account for them to appear in order. If you try to group by account number, everything goes back to random order. It should be the default for accounts to appear in numeric order.
Jamie Nordman commented
Having this option would be beneficial on all reporting. When creating account groups the account numbers aren't in sequential order. I have found that creating the account groups is the only way to ensure that any new accounts added stay in their correct categories on the financial statements, but grouping does not allow me to edit the numerical order of the accounts.
Vicki Wattus commented
Balance Sheet, especially when there are many loans. This would ensure the loans & unexpired interest are in order
Kane McConnell commented
We are currently trialing Xero for a parent company. Not having reports sorted by account code may be the determining factor us. The absence of any logical order or even ability to drag and drop to correct them is quite deficient.
Julie Curnow commented
Income statements, trial balance and balance sheet please
Julie Curnow commented
For us it is the custom income statements where we bring in a range say Employment Costs is accounts starting with the number 4. The report brings them in a strange order. It is not by account code, alphabetically or by amount. We cannot work out the order and we cannot drag and drop the accounts into the order we want. The only work around would be to not use the function "Include Accounts by Code" and bring them in manually. But that means if a new account is created we have to manually drag it into the correct spot.
Thanks in advance -
Suzette Edwards commented
I have to agree with this idea. Kelly, the biggest ones that need the account number order are the Balance Sheet an Income Statement. The main reason for account numbers are to get reports in the order of those numbers without having to include the account number on the report. This is standard in accounting programs. I have worked with and am familiar with multiple accounting programs. Although Xero is a lovely online program, some of the reporting is quite weak. The Balance Sheet and Income statement not being in account number order is a huge problem.
Louise Allen commented
All reports should have the option to display by multiple criteria. For me, I would use type, GL code to keep the accounts grouped nicely and then in numerical order.
Daniel Grant commented
I agree with the earlier posts. The 'Group by Account Code' feature is completely useless because it doesn't sort in number order OR in alpha order. It's completely random!! Major fail there.
Jason Chroman commented
This would be super helpful to have on any report, but especially the income statement and balance sheet.
Gillian Jackson commented
It would be good if all reports where nominal codes and names were present had the default as starting in number order rather than alphabetical.
And it would be good if the budget manager had the number at the front like the USA version, and if they could also be in number order and not alphabetical.
Pam Nelson commented
Yes, 100% agree with Mindy on her last post. Please and thank you...SOON!!!
Mindy Jacoby commented
The group by "Account Code Range" still isn't working! You tell it the numeric range and then it completely disregards number order. What logic is it using? Please fix!
Kathryn Fox commented
Income Statements would be a good start :)
Gillian Jackson commented
Just minutes after voting for this and speaking with a xero agent, the functionality became available. thank you!But I would be grateful if you could make it so that when you group codes by account range, that they stay in nominal code order within that range
Gillian Jackson commented
I couldn't agree more. I don't think I know of any accountant (or business owner) that would want their profit and loss items grouped alphabetically!
Kelly Munro - in answer to your question - all the profit and loss, budget variance, balance sheet and cash reports should have this option.
Sort by account code (meaning nominal code, general ledger code).
Claire Taylor commented
This would be great for Trial Balance Report I use monthly and use general ledger numbers rather thank names - an option to choose would be great
Timea Hoskins commented
Hi @kellymunro this would be particularly useful on any P&L reports. Very often the chart of accounts has been set so that the numbers represent a group of similar expenses e.g. all premises costs may start 45* and it's great to have them all together visually even if not subtotalling them. I realise that with the new reports you can customise them to form these sub-groups or collective costs / income groups. But for some clients this is either overkill or confusing.
Also what @mindyjacoby / @michelleorlowski said ;)
Steve Ziara commented
Call each thing by its proper name. Can't say it better than Mindy, Pam, and Michelle.
Michelle Orlowski commented
Both P&L and Balance Sheet. When you go to group accounts by the rule Include Accounts by code and select "account code range" it does not put them in numeric order!! It scatters them.