AU Payroll - Specify leave approver
Ability to specify a set approver for a specific employee for when they submit leave requests.
Employees who are nominated as a leave approver should only be able to approve leave for the specific employees who have them nominated as their approver.
Alternatively, employees who have the "Authorised to Approve Leave" checkbox ticked should only be able to approve leave by employees in the same Employee Group.
Only payroll admins should be able to approve leave for all employees.

Conor Robinson commented
This would be very useful. Our Tax Accountants are Advisor users and they are listed to approve leave which has led to some confusion amongst our staff. We would ask that this functionality is developed urgently.
Sharon Casagrande commented
Agree, it would be good to be able to assign leave approvals for specific employees to remove confusion for employees. There are often external payroll admin users eg, accountants and staff that need access but don't need to be able to approve leave and creates confusion for employees.
Brian Nasr commented
Yes please - such a logical thing to be able to do.
Christina Catanzariti commented
I would like to remove some leave approvers from XERO Me to stop confusion with my employees. They still need access to admin to payroll. I just don't want them to appear in the leave list... some of our admin are external and it is confusing! Fix ASAP
Flavia Bramley commented
Agreed, Employees should not be able to approve/cancel their own leave.
Adam Howman commented
100% need this functionality addressed ASAP. I cant have my payroll person automatically approving their own timesheets and leave. I have no way of managing this in Xero settings! basic function. Get your act together Xero.
Maria Daehn commented
or a Hierarchy Approver List
Tracy Cook commented
Employees should not be able to approve and potentially cancel their own leave. Require clear delegation of leave approvals process.
Michelle Winduss and Liz Wong commented
Would be beneficial to select a default approver for each employee so only approving for relevant team.
Dayna Edwards commented
Managers should be allocated to their team only and not able to review leave requests or timesheets for other staff for privacy reasons
Julie Bowie commented
This would be extremely beneficial. We're unable to assign Team Managers to approve their team's leave which they are not happy about. If they were given access to approve leave for their team, they would be able to see all payroll details and we cannot allow this.
Please consider urgently the ability to allow some staff to approve leave for their teams. -
. . commented
There should be an option within the admin permission section to selecting as and approver or not.
Andrew Hermes commented
This is such a basic workflow. come on Xero
Tracy Blackburn commented
We need to be able to say who can approve whose timesheets - not just a blanket approach. The current system is cr@p as our external accountants and auditors (of which there is a plethora linked to our Xero User profile) can approve timesheets. It is very confusing for staff as we have a lot of casual employees over harvest etc and they are not familiar with who they allocate their timesheet to. I can also see that there would be cases where person from department A (who has no idea what goes on in department B) can authorise timesheets for department B. Segregation is required post haste.
Tabatha Mitton commented
For larger companies this is a must have
Vivien Huang commented
Have this so important issue been made any progress in Xero by now??
Rose McMahon commented
Surprised Leave Approvals in Xero are so unsophisticated. Basic hierarchies should be standard, and no employee should be able to approve their own leave.
Martin Feng commented
We as accountants & bookkeepers would like full payroll access,
but NOT appear in the list of client employees XERO ME to approve leave/timesheets etc.
We are receving lots of unnessary emails weekly now
Please fix this matter XERO
Jason Waller commented
This is an important financial governance issue because I shouldn't have the ability to approve my own leave requests. Only those for subordinate staff.
Michael Roberts commented
Yet despite raising this as an issue for over 2 years an having every comment provide 100% support for the idea, Xero don't seem to want to fix this. It shouldn't be that difficult.