Xero Product Ideas - Showing a greater Interest in these ideas
I feel that there is a poor level of dialogue from Xero on these ideas. For the top voted topics - I'd like communication as to what they're doing to implement a solution (and if not then why not).
For the ideas that are years old but still receive steady votes - what's happening?
If Xero have no plans to take on certain ideas then make it known.

Hi everyone, I appreciate feelings shared in not seeing traction as fast as you'd like to ideas you're interested across Xero Product Ideas.
Our community team are pure advocates for our customers ideas internally, making sure these are shared and highlighted to the teams and individuals that can make a difference, and doing our best to get ideas reviewed and into our teams planning wherever possible.
We receive ideas for incremental, and large changes to existing products, as well as for new features entirely. With so many customers the range of ideas coming from our users is large, and we cannot action all things at once.
We try to be transparent in our communication and updates to ideas across the site, even if this means there is no current development planned for a feature.
I can assure you the site here is a tool that all our product teams find highly valuable. We will do our best to continue to share any updates to ideas across the site as we continue to grow and develop all of Xero.
Anthony Kear commented
I'd also add that part of the problem of not feeling heard is Xero's nonsensical idea that keeping a current feature when they redo a process is a "New Product Idea".
"New" invoicing is a classic example - dozens of threads about current features that are not in New invoicing and are considered essential.
Well here's a "New product idea" - when replacing a process or screen - make it better not worse, make it quicker not slower and make sure it can do everything the old one did.
Laurette Lubbers commented
Kelly, that's just another one of your EMPTY messages AGAIN. Just a string of words. No action that's either obvious or useful.
Why don't you and your team-mates just answer ideas with "Yes, this is now with xy team, update in one month, ..." or "No, that will not work, and reason is ..." -
Hein Kuenen commented
Dear Kelly, you are missing the point totally. The general feeling is that Xero does not listen at all and doesn't care. Of course you can not do everything in 1 go, but (giving your users the feeling that you are) not doing anything useful is on the other side of the spectrum.
Johan Janssen commented
If this is not addressed, clients will stop posting ideas. As it becomes a notice board rather than a functioning improvements program for both Xero and Customers. I do understand that not all ideas an be implemented but please let us know why in more that 1 word
Laurette Lubbers commented
After a decade or so with Xero, I have NOT noticed anything having been listened to in seriousness, let alone actioned. Someone mentioned "being treated like children" and that's pretty much how it is. Been turning people off from Xero for several years because of it. After this financial year I'll finally be free of them.
Kerry Arch commented
Xero listen to your customers and implement their ideas.
I’m new to Xero and seeing the complaints spanning over years and ignored. Simple fixes not yet implemented, WHY NOT?
Charlotte Rix commented
Yes, for example actioning ideas to comply with GDPR than waiting for 'likes'
Jan Ross commented
I know you can't please all of the people all of the time, but with so many cuts in staff and SO MANY DISGRUNTLED CUSTOMERS, surely the Community Manager at Xero must fear for her job. Maybe if she actually started taking ACTION instead of just fobbing us off, we'd have something nice to say about her. Come on Kelly, use less energy in stonewalling and more on taking our concerns and constructive suggestions seriously. You can do it if you really want to, it's not that hard, honestly, you should try it some time.
Stephanie Leito commented
@Soonam Hwang if they are laying off so many people, I fear for my data, they can go bankrupt and take all my administration with them....good time to look for an alternative, they have shown they don't care about their customers anyway
Cheryl Edgtton commented
Obviously not true. Nothing changes except for things getting worse. Take a look at the comments on the idea: Contacts - Show information on one page.
Obviously didn't listen to the people that use the software, it is a nightmare to enter multiple contacts in one sitting and it is not simple to do it once in a while either.
You can't tab from one field to the other and then you have to click to a new page instead of how you used to be able to type and tab. Your hand it constantly changing from the keyboard to the mouse which is inefficient. -
V Fraser commented
I'm sorry, but these are not always "trending ideas" They are critical to functionality. What of the credit note / locked period item that has been an issue for as long as I've been using Xero, which is pretty much since it's availability in Australia! Get it Fixed!!!
Soonam Hwang commented
Xero recently announced that it will be cutting 800 workers in order to increase its profits.
It is natural that any commercial activity is profit-driven.
However, without updates based on customer feedback, it may lead to a dead end.
This has been proven in the commercial market for centuries. -
Nicole Neale commented
ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. The actions of Xero taking our ideas seriously, are spoken but not shown. So many ideas have been here for years, and like many others users have stated, are still receiving votes, but nothing has been done. Xero's actions show they do not care what we think, no matter what their words say. It's all about the developers, not the people who actually use the program everyday.
Jan Ross commented
"We take ideas seriously" - I think not ! Everything I have suggested in a genuine effort to be constructive has been consistently ignored over the last 10 years. The art of Customer Service is dead. Yet they make changes that no-one wants. Like, who thinks it's a great idea to put addresses, financial details, sales and purchases details all on separate pages? What a time waster that is. They say you can check the Status of an Idea, but can you remember exactly what you called it in order to be able to search for it, nope, nada, zilch. As far as Xero and a lot of the big companies like Microsoft and Facebook are concerned, unless their own whizzkids come up with an idea, anything we say is going nowhere.
Hein Kuenen commented
I have to agree with Paul-John (and disagree with Kelly).
Our experience is as Paul-John describes ... poor to say the very least -
Stephanie Leito commented
@Kelly, Xero has shown you don't appreciate any feedback or take any ideas seriously with your actions....................just take a look at the top-voted ideas with the most comments........................
Martina Ford commented
just one example below:
Email Settings: UK Payroll | Payslips - Schedule date for payslips to be emailed
Ability to have an automated scheduled payslip.Purpose: To make Payroll admin workflow easier, especially when they aren’t working on the day when payslip needs to be sent.
Xero Team (Admin, Xero) shared this idea
· May 21, 2013 · Report…
How important is this to you?
Not at all
Martina Ford commented
There are multiple critical ideas for Xero payroll that were in some cases submitted years ago. Nothing has been done about it. Legal requirements in the UK haven't been implemented and leaves companies struggling to comply
Stuart Isbister commented
Agree totally with Paul-John (although not dissimilar with many new SASS companies who appear to be more focussed on other things).
Also related request would be the ability when posting an idea to see if similar ideas had already been posted and a smarter search - people's terminology differs and I suspect this affect people's interaction with this community too.
Also when one of your articles cites a idea/poll then the link should be direct to that idea not the community home page - leaving us to try and work out which one it is.
Finally there should be a filter which allows us to exclude ideas that are country based (and by definition exclude the country)