Dashboard - Awaiting Approval in Bills Section
Add a line item/total for 'Awaiting approval' to the 'Bills you need to pay' section of the Dashboard.

Michael Sudfelt commented
Hi @PaulHodges - thanks for pointing me in this direction from the Xero Central page. Looks like my issue has been raised a long time back.
This awaiting approvals issue goes much further than just showing of a dashboard. Xero, from what I can tell, basically pretends an invoice awaiting approval does not exist. They don't have impact on P&L, meaning that the profit is overstated by anything awaiting approval.
I can't understand why it is not accounted for as a liability in the system. Sure, some of them might not end up being approved, but I suspect the very vast majority of invoices awaiting approval will end up being approved and are real liabilities. Even if they are not approved, I suspect the large proportion of them would just need the invoice to be 'corrected' and that it is still a liability of some description.
I've had feedback from Xero in the past that not all businesses are the same - fair enough. Could we have a user / business setting on how we individually want to account for invoices awaiting approval? Seems like it should be a fairly simple enhancement to make, and would certainly help make the accounting software a bit more beautiful :)
Tamara Allen commented
Yes this would be a fabulous idea as I always push over to awaiting approval on the first of each month but they don't always get approved for another couple of weeks so the dashboard is not current. Please fix this for us Xero!
Jim Lines commented
You need to tell the whole story, that is what the Execs who just see the dashboard expect to see
Jude Card commented
Our bills approval manager uses the dashboard to get to places in the system and because "Awaiting Approval" is NOT included in the Bills section of the Dashboard he doesn't know he has some work to do! Please make this an option to include in the Dashboard. I would regard this as important, if not critical.
Leigh Brown commented
I've been with Xero as long as they have been around, have asked this before, always get an unhelpfu
Regina O'Brien commented
Absolutely agree with other contributors. My clients utilise the App dashboard a lot and it would give a much more accurate picture of outstanding liabilities if the Awaiting Approval bills were also shown there.
Keith Carter commented
Its nonsensical that it isn't there
Larry Gumprich commented
Seems like a no brainer, not sure why it would not have been done by now/