Bank Reconciliation - Match payment to more than 50 invoices
I would like to see the limitation of receiving payment on 50 inovices be increased or removed completely. I Have a trucking company that issues hundreds of trip invoices to it's customers and the limit of receiving payment on 50 invoices at a time doesnt work for them.

Optimus Fintech commented
If you're still looking for invoices to increase or decrease the entire reconciliation process, here is the reference link that might fetch you a plan for it.
Claire Parker commented
How about adding this feature to New Invoicing?
This would be a real improvement, unlike so many of the new invoicing features that most of your existing customers do not need or want.
Every month we can have up to 500 invoices paid on one remittance. We have to do many batch Deposits, meaning there is much more processing than should be necessary. It also makes doing the bank rec for the receipts more tricky as we have to pick up multiple payments and outgoings (contras). Thank you. -
Helen Jarvis commented
The restriction to receiving only 50 invoices is very inconvenient, not only does it make us look unprofessional when sending remittances but it has a knock on to bank reconciliations. I consider this a critical update.