Fixed Assets - Estimated Depreciation calculator
Ability to enter a date and run an estimated depreciation cost up to that date. Very useful when creating budgets and forecasts.

Katia von Horn commented
Please provide depreciation forecasting report. Needed for budgeting. The old report had the ability, why has this been removed?
Sophie Thomson commented
Can Xero please provide a fixed asset depreciation forecasting report?
Marlene Kemp commented
The old depreciation report used to do this; you could export it to Excel and it came complete with formulas on how it was determining the estimated depreciation. Shocked this is no longer available.
Andrea Chew commented
This feels like quite a straightforward idea as all the information already exists in the system. Should be an easy fix to make this available?
Michelle Byers commented
Seriously Xero have you been hacked ? All the useful bits of Xero are being ditched at a fast rate of knots.