UK Payroll - Set an end date for payroll deductions
I've just set up a salary sacrifice for a cycle to work scheme in payroll. However there isn't an end date in Xero so I have to manually diarise a date to stop the salary sacrifice for the employees. Please could a box be added to automate this.

Jeannette Baxter commented
If there was a finish date set up at the beginning then it would automatically cancel the deduction after the final payment.
Yetunde Sogunle commented
Can Xero please include the start and end dates for deductions where an employee pays a fixed recurring amount for a specific period of time.
Deductions such as Cyclescheme (Cycle to Work), Childcare Voucher scheme, Season Ticket Loans are usually a fixed amount for a period range. At present, the user must remember when the last deduction is made and manually remove the pay item from the employee's payroll profile to stop any further deductions being made. However, removing the pay item from the employee profile means that the year-to-date deduction amount in the tax year is no longer displayed on the subsequent payslips after the final deduction was made.
Example, UK Payroll, April to March tax year:
A £1,200 student ticket loan is being repaid over 10 months from May to February. A £120 per month deduction pay item is added to the employee profile from May. I must manually remove this pay item in March to avoid any futher deductionns being made. However, iremoving the pay item means that the £1,200 YTD deduction will not be displayed on the March payslip as it should.Start and end dates feature should also be available for benefits (e.g., medical insurance) because the annual amount changes each year and, in most cases, the benefit year usually differs to the tax year.
This is a standard feature in other payroll systems. Why was this omitted from Xero Payroll?