Bills - Automatically send a remittance after payment
Automatically send a remittance to the client that you have paid either before reconciliation, or after rather than a manual process

Steve Webb commented
Yes that's true Shane - I thought it was just my system.
Automatic one needs to be implemented but meantime a must is to have the pop up box to send after payment made.
Shane Drinkwater commented
This always happened, but the remittance would pop up and you could click on send the remittance and tick the send me a copy option, but the last week this has disappeared,
Steve Webb commented
This is needed sooner rather than later please
Alicia Jackman commented
I've just been searching for the exact same thing. Please can we have this feature implemented!!
Giuseppe Sasso commented
Agreed - it's an excellent idea.
Muhammad Ali commented
This will be nice idea for other businesses as well . just like some ecom store. Yesterday, I was discussing it with one of my clients and today I find out this one. I am looking for this integration for customers support on this website Will it be applicable? BTW,This is truly superb idea. Expecting it to be launch soon.
Dina Bohnsack commented
Friday payruns are a bit of a nightmare as I have to make payments, then process the proof of payments, re-name, and print to pdf and send to the supplier. Then I have to reconcile the bank, print to pdfd and rename the remittance advices. Please make this an auto RA send feature ! that would save me so much tine every week.
Janille Epan commented
This would be a significant help in assisting suppliers with payments.
Julius MURINDE commented
This is critical to creating an automated AP process.
David Noverraz commented
This would certainly make the whole workflow in Xero easier to use as the current remittance process is very manual.
Hayley Stevens commented
honestly would have thought this would already been a feature and went searching for how to turn it on. This is critical in a business for a simple solution for time management
Angelica Diamante commented
This is very important! Please make this happen!
Shirley Yao commented
Yes please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Xero team, this kind of delay for such an easy yet fundamental functionality is rather disappointing and frustrating.
Charlie Hilton-Smith commented
A must!
Jan- Marc Pickhan commented
I just found this chat by accident as I was looking for the same thing. Please implement this ASAP.
Madeleine Eksteen commented
For a system that claims to be so automated, Im surprised this is not a feature already?
Florin Florean commented
Sending remittances for invoices in a single click, once the payment has been allocated, is an efficient way to reduce administrative costs by saving time.
Jacob Phillips commented
Jane Bean commented
Please can you implement this function, I have hundreds of invoices to process each month
Catriona De Vere commented
Would be great to be able to add to a contact card to automatically send remittance on bills paid to that contact