Contacts - Add notes/categories to contact email addresses
It would be really helpful to be able to add a note/comment next to contact email addresses. Such as "Use if sending a remittance", "Only use for purchase orders" or "Business owner - only email if urgent". These comments could sit under or beside the email address in the contact's edit section so that it doesn't crowd the side bar of information. That way we don't annoy the customer by sending some emails to the wrong account and we also don't need to keep sticky notes for such specific customer details for each of our many clients.

Calum Wilbur commented
Some form of option to assign email addresses to their function, for example if the client requires invoices and statements to go to different emails invoices@..., statements@... a way to either select this under contact settings or as a drop down when sending invoices or statements rather than having all the emails auto populate then having to go through and delete the ones that aren't needed