Contacts - Compact view to reduce white space
In the new contact view, everything is spread out, with lots of wasted white space (similar to the bills list without 'compact view' toggled, or the list of repeating bills (which doesn't have the ability to be compact in view). I can deal with the info I need to pick a transaction to open being on complete opposite sides of a widescreen by pulling the contact into a new window and reducing the width of that window until it's readable without excessive twisting of the head (a poor workaround for an ergonomics risk, but it's the only one I could find) but there's more space between the text lines I'm comparing than the text itself takes up. The ideal spacing between lines of text is 130-150% of the height of the font, and Xero has chosen a little over 300%.
It's very pretty, but it's not ergonomic nor user-friendly. There's so much white space that it doesn't meet Web Accessibility guidelines, because Xero has used it to, in effect, separate lines within a paragraph instead of separating paragraphs from each other. It's not prose, it's a table. The data is MEANT to be compared to each other, not separated by what feels like an infinite void - and since we cannot readily adjust the spacing of either columns or lines to meet our personal requirements, it fails at Accessibility there too.

Lisa Hancox commented
IT'S GETTING WORSE, don't think i can take much more of this. The fact they are not listening to the many customers, someone in the office is having a laugh to see how much they can aggravate us. Not everyone in my office is computer literate and these changes are not helping.