Files - Automatic transaction creation for uploaded files
After uploading or emailing files to Xero, have it perform some sort of OCR and create a transaction, or spend money or something. It's almost like opening a beer and not drinking it. Please Xero at least 'take a sip'. Just left MYOB ofter 10 years, this is automatic in MYOB! I think the idea here is to make the computers do more work and we do less......right?

Hi Scott, returning to your idea here I wanted to share a few different options depending on your needs that could help. As you may be aware we have Xero Expenses that has a capture element that will read your receipts that are uploaded to transcribe into the expense claim receipt, alternatively there is the ability to email to bills to capture and create a draft bill in your organisation, and we also have a new feature in bills that'll be rolled out to everyone soon where you can upload a file directly from your device to create a draft bill using the detail of your upload.