Reports - Add report with all bank statement lines
A report showing all Bank Statement lines for (Filtered) bank accounts and date ranges.
This report could be used to track transfers that go from Bank Account A to B to C.
Should include User created statement lines and reconciliation status. Additional details such as matched transactions would also be useful.

Gustavo Miozzo commented
Fully agree.
Kirsten Blake commented
This would be super helpful for messy clients with loads of unreconciled transactions.
Paula Wyeth commented
In MYOB Business (some contract work I do), they have an option to have the bank feed transactions for all bank accounts, in date order, on the one screen. It’s so easy to reconcile and especially helpful for transfers to stand out.
The first column is the date, second is the bank account, third is the description, then columns for spent or received amounts.
Far right is the option to code or match the line to a bill etc, far left is the option to tick to choose multiple entries to code in bulk. All from the one screen. It also has a search box (amount or text). There is also the option to choose the list to display all transactions (reconciled & unreconciled) or unallocated transactions only (unreconciled). You can also isolate to just one bank account or all bank accounts in one list. It’s such a simple and very effective line by line layout.
I have a couple of Xero clients that would greatly benefit from one list showing all bank transactions (multiple bank accounts) on one screen.
I also find it handy to have one monitor open showing the “all bank transactions” and another monitor just with “unallocated transactions”, I can do a quick search to see how past entries have been coded. It’s a definite time saver. Xero is very forward thinking so I hope this becomes available in Xero in the future.
Monica Brooklyn commented
It would be also be extremely helpful to just be able to search the bank statements - NOT the bank statement lines. It's so very, very annoying when searching and looking for transactions, Xero takes you back to the bank statement lines and NOT the bank statements.