Bills - Direct Payment Link (ASB or Kiwibank)
I would like to protest the removal of the ASB direct bank link for paying invoices.
The attraction of Xero is that it makes it faster and easier to run a business. The direct payment link was one of the features I appreciated most as it removed the friction from the process of monthly bill payments.
Connecting and interacting with your bank electronically is one of the key deliverables of Xero webware and it seems daft to remove it.
Can Xero review this decision please?

Hi all, appreciate the interest and rationale in wanting to be able to keep the direct payment link feature. Unfortunately, due to low usage levels, we did make the difficult decision to retire this functionality to focus on other products and features that are more heavily used by our customers. We’re sorry this is disappointing.
Jenny Paget commented
Lack of use was probably due to lack of knowledge of the feature. When our firm changed our accounting firm in 2021 our new accountant had never heard of this feature and thought it was fantastic when we explained it to him.
Nigel Cottle commented
Such a non-customer oriented decision. This feature made my life much easier, now I have to add 3 more steps and introduce more opportunities for human error to the process. Please reinstate the direct payment feature.
Julie King commented
Totally agree that this feature should be reinstated. The functionality is what should be expected in the 21st century. It is such a backward step for Xero. This will make more work than is necessary. Put it back Xero!!!!
Paul O'Connell commented
This is why we upgraded our Xero subscription and was an amazing feature that made weekly bills almost a pleasure! Furious this has been removed without an alternative. I guess Xero considered it was fine to upset customers of only 2 major banks in NZ. Before this they almost had a perfect product for our needs.
Julian Chetham commented
I believe the lack of use would purely be down to lack of understanding that the feature existed, or the lack of support from their bank, as I believe the feature was only supported by Kiwi Bank and ASB.
Julian Chetham commented
Agreed with Charlie Wasala -
My deep concern and dissatisfaction regarding the recent removal of the bank direct link for paying invoices within Xero. This change has significantly impacted our business operations and caused inconvenience and inefficiency in our payment process. The direct bank link to ASB was an integral feature that streamlined our invoice payment workflow, allowing us to promptly and securely settle our bills directly through Xero. -
shirley kennedy commented
I can't understand that paying bills through your bank is a low usage function. Surely everyone needs to pay bills! I don't understand Xero's rationale?? Yes extremely disappointing.
Charlie Wasala commented
My deep concern and dissatisfaction regarding the recent removal of the bank direct link for paying invoices within Xero. This change has significantly impacted our business operations and caused inconvenience and inefficiency in our payment process. The direct bank link to ASB was an integral feature that streamlined our invoice payment workflow, allowing us to promptly and securely settle our bills directly through Xero.
Heather Allott commented
Being able to direct feed from Xero saves time for us in a busy school and we are disappointed to hear that this service, which was one reason why we chose Xero, is now being taken away.
Please reconsider - thank you -
Olivia Young commented
Please do not remove this function this makes processing payments so much more easier and efficient.
Ra Beazley commented
Please do not remove this function. This is a key system in our business.
Karen Wheeler commented
Please do not remove this function. It definitely makes processing payments much easier and with greater efficiency. I agree this is a critical feature of Xero and makes life so much easier.
Amanda Grigg commented
Please do not remove this function. It definitely makes processing payments much easier and with greater efficiency.
Natasha Allnutt commented
Its seems we are removing the things we all need and like to use, and replacing them with things we do not want or need. Please do not remove this functionality.
shirley kennedy commented
Direct batch payment link: I agree that it was daft to remove it. Was a great feature and quicker than uploading a file! Seems like a very backward step.
Isaac Firestone commented
Seems like the most backwards product decision ever!
Carolyn Burgess commented
I agree with the masses of Xero users in saying that the removal of the ASB bank feeds will create so much additional work, allow errors to creep in and really, just make Xero far less desirable as an accounting system.
Please leave the operating system as it is with the ASB bank feeds fully functioning.
Angela Crates commented
I agree this is a critical feature of Xero. Our accounts person does not have access to the bank account and our signatories do not all have access to Xero (and if they do, they do not know how to use it). The removal of ASB bank feeds is creating a lot of extra work for the one person that has access to both. Should she be away this will cause a huge issue for us. Especially given that we have head office and 10 branches all with their own bank accounts. Xero please reconsider this decision it is a really important part of the financial process.
Julian Chetham commented
Absolutely critical that direct payment links are not removed. Key reason to use Xero. Please keep this feature. Removal will create a huge amount of additional unnecessary work for our teams.
Feels like a massive step backwards for Xero, in a world where technological improvements come daily...
Rhonda Moore commented
Please don't remove the ASB direct bank link - this is such a backward step for Xero. This will make more work than is necessary.