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10 results found
473 votes
Hi everyone, to keep you updated on this idea work in this space will provide the ability to add a new blank row to your invoice one at a time. Once added you'll also have the ability to drag and drop the row to where you'd like it placed in your invoice, which we know some customers use to help format their invoices and space lines out.
I appreciate that some customers have mentioned wanting to add multiple blank rows at once, and want to be open that this isn't planned with this release.
Being under development atm, we plan to have this to you all before classic invoicing is retired and I'll be back as soon as it's out to let you know, here.
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176 votes
Hi team, I know it's been sometime since this idea was initially raised and we wanted to update you all here.
We appreciate and understand why some businesses would prefer the acceptance of a Quote be sent to the organisation's reply to email address, rather than the user that initially created the Quote.
While our product team have reviewed and are attentive to your interest in this, we want to be upfront that this is not something we currently have direct plans for changing the behaviour of.
Our team will continue to review this idea and when we're in a position to assess notification and communications for Quotes, we'll share if there are any updates around this, here.
An error occurred while saving the comment Carolyn Burgess commented
This would save me sooooo much additional work. Along with the other 95% of users that have been asking for this change for over TWO YEARS... XERO PLEASE FIX NOW!!!!
Carolyn Burgess supported this idea ·
563 votes
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the possible solution we shared a few months ago. After careful consideration taking all feedback on board, we will not be moving forward with this solution.
We're still considering how we might solve for the issues presented here over the long term and there are other pieces of work the team are currently delving into such as duplicate bills detection that may also help solve some needs here.
That said, we'll move the idea back to Submitted and continue to keep you updated on any progression that can help the needs expressed through the idea here. Thanks
Carolyn Burgess supported this idea ·
149 votes
We appreciate the interest gathered on this idea, everyone. At this time we don't have any immediate changes planned for lock dates, but as we continue to develop parts of Xero this is something we'll consider as a possible enhancement for lock dates. If there's any news I'll be sure to update you here.
Carolyn Burgess supported this idea ·
68 votes
Carolyn Burgess supported this idea ·
323 votes
Hi everyone, thanks for the idea and support here. We appreciate all the valuable feedback and ideas shared regarding the ability to split batch payments when reconciling, and understand it currently takes extra steps to reconcile when a single invoice among a batch has been paid, or when there are multiple payments to the same entity for different invoices.
Being transparent, we don’t have direct plans for making this change within the foreseeable future but if anything changes in this space, we’ll update you on this idea!Carolyn Burgess supported this idea ·
102 votes
Hi everyone, we appreciate the interest his idea has received. Introducing the ability to add a discount amount was highly requested by our community. We recognise for customers that discount by % this means you'll need to enter a % symbol where y ou wouldn't have done so before.
With quite a few items drawing our teams attention at present we want to be upfront that developing a default option for discounts isn't in the pipeline atm. This is something we'll keep reviewing and consider as a future improvement in this space. If there is any change or progress around this I'll let you know on the idea, here.
Carolyn Burgess supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Carolyn Burgess commented
I definitely second this request as the additional tedious work this new functionality has created nothing positive for our business as it is only adding additional work (which is extending on our workload).
Therefore, I would like to have the setting in the new Quote amended so that when I add '10' to the discount field it automatically calculates this figure as a percentage and I don't have to manually add the % symbol (exactly how I used to enter my discounts on the old system).
1 vote
Carolyn Burgess shared this idea ·
170 votes
Carolyn Burgess supported this idea ·
104 votes
Hi Wojciech, if an invoice or bill has already been paid there is no amount left outstanding for the invoice. It sounds like you'd like the ability to easily copy the detail of an invoice to a credit note? I've slightly updated the title of your idea here, for this.
If this doesn't quite reflect it'd be great to get more detail of scenarios you'd in which your business receives a credit note for a completely paid invoice or bill.
Carolyn Burgess supported this idea ·
I have raised this problem as well and it just make my everyday work so much more complicated and time consuming.
What makes this even more frustrating is that as you cannot add a line without first typing in a field, and at times when I go to move the cell up to a different position in the invoice (if that is required), the whole invoice crashes, won't save and I have to redo all of the work again. It really is a nightmare!!!!!