Notification | Send to REPLY TO email when quote accepted
When a customer accepts a quote via the link the email is sent to the users email address - suggestion is to have it sent to the REPLY TO email address and / or the USERS address.

Hi team, I know it's been sometime since this idea was initially raised and we wanted to update you all here.
We appreciate and understand why some businesses would prefer the acceptance of a Quote be sent to the organisation's reply to email address, rather than the user that initially created the Quote.
While our product team have reviewed and are attentive to your interest in this, we want to be upfront that this is not something we currently have direct plans for changing the behaviour of.
Our team will continue to review this idea and when we're in a position to assess notification and communications for Quotes, we'll share if there are any updates around this, here.
Kate Taylor commented
This tells me Xero is not interrsted in small businesses. Unless you're a large business with internal admin dedicated to quotes only and have internal bookkeepers... dont use Xero. And anyone working for more than one business with their own personal email address login for all businesses they assist-good luck! You'll get a bunch of emails sent to your personal email that aren't for you. This goes for the 'send me a copy' checkbox in invoices too. Highly inefficient.
Farhan Kerbelker commented
Wow! What a response "XERO". How is this not part of your plans to "change the behaviour of" ?
By not doing this restricts your client base to small teams or one person businesses. Your target market is being restricted heavily but not even considering this.
Then for the clients you have onboard already, the service delivery and keeping clients happy approach is not being considered? Feedback is important used to be a thing especially when there was so much support for it. Pretty disappointing response i must say.
For a request like this, i can assure you we wouldnt be recommending Xero to anyone as i dont think you understand the importance of this to your clients you have onboard already.
Looks like i have no choice but to trial a system that allows for the quoting to be done and go to another team member within the business, and if that works good i may look at the accounting side.
such a shame....
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
The email setup with Xero is honestly pretty ****... process-wise, it doesn't work unless you're a one-man show. Everything has a different generic email address if your company has departments. And you never want things to go back to the user email because that isn't a generic one for the department.
Lacey Easter commented
This is absolutely crucial. So many people are given casual access to support businesses but they don't need to be advised if the quote is accepted, the business needs to know. It is a surprise that Xero would think that this function is suitable, especially to service anyone with more than one person in an accounts team. By having this as going to personal emails, it makes clients look incompetent when we ask their customers to use this automated system, but the system doesn't tell the company that they're getting the business, they tell the remote data entry person that logs on once a week to do quotes. Very clunky for a software package that is claiming to make business easy.
Valley Clean commented
Critically required!
Beckii Jones commented
Critically required!
Nicole Lynch commented
There needs to be an option for multiple people in an organisation to receive both replies and acceptances to quotes. This should be a top priority. Endless issues have come up because I was the only one able to get replies to quotes, and I do not work full time. Please fix this issue ASAP!
Rion Steenekamp commented
The 'To email address' shows as your own when sending a quote
Would be beneficial to have the clients email address shown so that you can reply to a client from the quote email.
Carolyn Burgess commented
This would save me sooooo much additional work. Along with the other 95% of users that have been asking for this change for over TWO YEARS... XERO PLEASE FIX NOW!!!!
Robert Darrow commented
Now 4 year old and still zero from Xero. They don't care because everything still pays I think Xero has reached the end for me because other systems are better now. You don't even get notified when juniors draft quotes and invoices. You have to manually check. Rubbish
Jaz Brown commented
I send quotations and invoices from my Xero account, my admin staff also have a Xero account but haven't the same access as my account.
When someone accepts / declines a quote it comes to my email address rather than the selected 'Reply To' email address.
As I have staff who deal with things on my behalf it would make sense to have the option to send all accepted / declined quote emails to one email address, regardless of who created the quote.
Otherwise for example -
John Smith Quote - Created by myself (Jaz)
He replies to the quote with some dates to avoid for the works and accepts it.
His message would go to office admin email which is the reply to email address but I would also get a notification that he had accepted to my own email address.
This then makes it difficult to keep track of who is dealing with it, somethings are then duplicated etc.
So having one email for everything would be helpful so more than one person isn't trying to deal with the same enquiry.
Hayden King commented
they're not listening!!!
Dean Tavener commented
insane, obscene even, that this wasn't set up this way by default from the start. Why would any company want crucial activity on their quotes going to individual users' email inboxes instead of an actionable team mailbox, or at least to have that option. Please fix!
Joseph DAmore commented
It would be great to be able to send a quote / invoice from a single email account and get the approval / comment to that same account.
Currently, if Employee A sends a quote, only Employee A gets notified of it's acceptance or comments. However, I have the email set to our shared account (ex., all correspondence should go to the account set.
Joanne B Coker commented
Choose who the replies go to when customer replies to a quote. Currently, the ask question, accept / decline replies go to the user who created the quote rather than the company email or the email selected in the email settings page. I create quotes for my clients and want the replies to go to them not to me as the bookkeeper.
Maree Wallace (Business Allsorts) commented
Bookkeepers often send out quotes on behalf of their clients. When the person receiving the quote clicks accept, currently the acceptance email it is sent to the person logging into Xero, regardless of the reply to email settings. We need an option for any online quote acceptance, decline or question to go to a specified email address rather than the logged in user.
Jodie Hogan commented
Would be very useful to have the option to set a single point of contact for all quote replies, not just to the person who generated it.
Carolynne Wintle commented
Please fix this breach of privacy. quotes should be able to be sent from the REPLY TO email address and all replies and notifications sent to the same.
We do not want personal email address provided to our customers - this is a breach of privacy that the email settings option is supposed to address.
Cherie Gaskin commented
As it stands at the mome t, which ever user created the Quote is the only person who receives the notification. This is really not ideal as this person may leave the company and they are the only one who knew the job was accepted.
This needs to go back to the company email address. -
Alanna Fittes commented
it is incredibly important to know WHO accepts/denies the quote and receive a notice when this occurs. Currently, it says "system generated" which means the quote may have been accepted/denied by someone other than who the quote was sent to