Bills to pay - Consistent font size
New bills screen - bugs/design that need to be fixed:
- when filtering the currency column disappears
- the planned date font size is smaller than the due date font size meaning I can't zoom the screen
- the from column isn't wide enough so most suppliers' names are wrapping, meaning each transaction takes up 2 lines and results in fewer transactions on one screen and more scrolling, whereas there is wasted space between the planned date, paid and due date columns which could be made narrower

Kelly Nicholson commented
Just reiterating and sharing my own frustrations. This is the worst update Xero has made so far and is costing our business a lot of time and money by slowing down our accounts team.
The new Bills screen is extremely slow and difficult to use. It regularly pauses, unticks items and takes a very long time to display items once date filtered. The page regularly 'crashes' by telling me that I can't make payments once selected. To fix it, I need to click into another area of Xero and then go back in again.
The 'From' & 'Reference' columns wrapping causes the line spacing to be uneven, where it used to be one line and much easier to look at.
The 'Date' & 'Amount' columns have a large amount of wasted whitespace that could be much better utilised to assist with the text wrapping issue.
The planned payment date is now difficult to read.
Overall, the formatting changes to this screen have made it extremely difficult to look at and slow to use. Xero has managed to frustrate many loyal customers by making this change and doesn't seem to be interested in fixing it. If it's costing our business, it will be costing everyone's.
Freya Pieroz commented
I've got a cropped screenshot of two of the bills list views; I used two windows and shifted the one on top until they were superimposed and the differences more visible and easier to screenshot. Same browser, same font size, same client.
On the left is the five most recent bills (including two prepayments) as displayed on All Bills. On the right is four of the same five bills, but on the Awaiting Payment page, where those four take up the same space as the five on All Bills (the fifth fell off the bottom of my cropped screenshot).
Something is messed up in the formatting around the tickyboxes, and that's driving some of the excessive vertical white space.
Freya Pieroz commented
I'll repeat this comment in a bunch of places, but I complained to a friend of mine that I was considering learning how to code in order to figure out where the CSS was Bad, and he found me a Chrome extension that's helped me fix a bunch of the table formatting issues and then save the settings so I can apply them to a bunch of pages. Stylebot will only work until Xero changes the formatting again and breaks the custom style sheets, and then I'll have to update them all, but at least I can scan the list of bills without scrolling or turning my head now.
Freya Pieroz commented
My 'favourite' thing to add to this is that all the bill views can be set to Compact View... except the list of Repeating Bills.
Jo Gorkic commented
Please also change colour of planned payment date so easier to see what is or isn't planned.
Charles Klvana commented
Can't believe bug fixes have to become product ideas. I mean, seriously! Font size isn't consistent?
I understand Xero ranks product ideas internally to help with budgets to spend on coding, but surely Xero has a different way to track bugs, than asking us to submit product ideas -
Jessie Ryan commented
Definitely need the different colours please! I cant find where i am up to anymore. That change alone will make the new format 1000 times better (although i would have preferred that it wasn't changed in the first place)
Donna Hollier commented
I find the new bills screen loud and messy. When selecting not having the line highlighted makes it hard to see where you are up too. Hate the planned date size and the credit note not being a different colour.
Lauren Clayton commented
I agree with the comments in this thread. The font is huge, even with the "Compact View" selected. It makes it hard to read and to be honest, makes it feel like Xero things we are 2 years old and need big writing to find things. The old layout was much more user friendly and clearer to read, filter and find the billing information. It would be better if the Compact View reverted to something like the old layout. Please consider that a lot of Xero users (Accountants, Bookkeepers, etc) work with complex Excel spreadsheets on the daily, so we don't need oversized writing to navigate the fields.
Charmaine Perry commented
Too hard to read please remove “Forwarded Bill” extra clicks to remove and add a reference number
Sarah Jacobs commented
When I send a remittance advice using the new bills screen, Xero notes it as a receipt email - this is the wrong terminology and needs to be changed to 'remittance advice'
Kelly Wolfert commented
Please bring back the blue text when creating payment dates for a batch. It made it so much easier to see where you were at!!
Rachel Nichols commented
I agree with the other comments and would like to add..
The Reference column it is not nearly wide enough either - especially as we have to use this to indicate any Invoices/Bills in dispute - and will wrap on to the next line.
The ability to change column sizes yourself (or even leave out if not important to you) would be greatly appreciated. (This used to be possible in some screens.)
The "Forwarded Bill" comment on the reference is only vaguely helpful in the Draft section and completely unhelpful everywhere else once it has been processed. It doesn't show within the bill while it's being processed so why does it show on the snapshot after it's been approved?
Also, the sort functionality (anything other than Date) has been butchered so that it no longer carries through when the bills are being processed. Sort alphabetically for example, process the bill and Approve and view next, and instead of showing the next in the sort it will show a random one. This means that you have to come out of the new bill and find the one you actually wanted before processing it. This might not seem like a huge thing but it wastes so much time. I have already raised this with support but they've stated there is no plan to change this and suggested a work around of opening a new window showing the sort I want then processing the bill I want in another window and switching between the two. (Like I don't already have more than a few windows/applications open for reference.) -
Sarah Jacobs commented
Why is the supplier name in bold, but the reference isn't? They are both hyperlinks. This is inconsistent and not user friendly. I would prefer the supplier name not to be bold as it feels like Xero is shouting at me