Support - Schedule a phone call using online chat
Would appreciate if the bot can confirm a schedule conference call. Made an appointment but no confirmation. In the end kept waiting for call to start. Of course nothing happen….

Hi everyone, we appreciate seeking urgent help, however right here you're in Xero Product Ideas. This is where you can join and vote on ideas for change at Xero, this is not a direct line to support. This is a public forum where anything you post is visible to others - Please keep this in mind when sharing your details.
While we don't have an inbound number you can contact our Xero Support team, you can reach them anytime by raising a case through the Contact Xero Support tile found at the bottom of most pages throughout Xero Central.
If you can provide a little detail on your questions or what you're needing help with we'll be bale to get you in touch with someone with the best skills to help, and generally our specialists are happy to arrange a phone call at a time that suits you.
DAVID LE commented
I used xero to create invoice for customer. Customer paid me through the Xero link. I tried to transfer that money to my personal bank account. It takes xero 6 weeks and the money has not clear into my bank account yet. I am very frustrated with Xero. It is very impractical. Bad Software
I request to call me back on 0426555678 -
Bryce Petalas commented
Looking to jump on board but would like to discuss a few details of the xero feature to ensure it works better than ny current system
vicky Morrall commented
Please call me as our system is failing to enable a project to be created?
07508 438836
George Stipis commented
I would like to arrange a call on 10.3.2025 at 10:00am to discuss my account
My ph is - 0448212435
Thelma McHugh commented
Please contact me on Phone: 353 818-003353 Ext 13414 as I need assistance with an issue
Abdi Mohamed commented
Call me 0468922231 i cant acces smy account even tho i made payment
Tyrone Gabriel commented
I am trying to amended my quotation template. See attached Word master doc and PDF with required corrections.
Leigh Walker commented
trouble setting up mfa to link payment details
james pagano commented
need help in some set up questions for xero
Shermy Stephens commented
I need to schedule a call but there is no option for that. can someone help?
Sarah Nemalladinne commented
I need to speak with customer service
Pete Coe commented
Can someone please call me regarding reconciling a bank account please
Maree Reddish commented
How do I get into chat to arrange a phone call back?
Steve Miller commented
How do I get into chat to arrange a phone callback.
I need one urgently please +64 21 662865 -
Kristy Carr commented
I need to speak with someone on a few features I need help with. Please send me the best phone number to reach a live person.
Kristy Carr
Martin Danger commented
No Kelly, you can't "reach them anytime by raising a case..."
Seriously, if "reaching someone" means sending them an email or something and then waiting for them to get back to you, if that means "reaching someone" then what does "making a request" mean?
You can't reach, call, talk to, or even reach out to, support 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You can send a request for support to call you back. That's it. That's the only thing you can do 24/7.
By Xero's english, I can "reach" my doctor for medical care 24/7 because I can send them a request to see them, and I can do that at any time.
How can you say those words when they are plainly untrue?
We have been scammed with Xero.
Our file bank account has not changed. The client was sent an invoice the Bank account number has been changed - the client paid the scammers bank account.
This needs immediate attention
Suzanne McCoy commented
Would it be possible to schedule a call to get some clarification on maternity pay calculations next Monday (04th Nov) or Tuesday (05th Nov) please - 07811453214. I am calculating different figures manually and would like to be able to understand fully Xero's calculations
Kathleen Doherty commented
How do i contact someone for help??
Elizabeth Leser commented
Hi there,
I am new to Xero and my bookkepper has done my activities report but she has been sick and I don't know how to look that up to pay ATO.
Can you help?