Inventory - Create groups/combinations of items
Combo packages as in the required ladies, lawn mower lady weed eater lady trimmer lady and the rakers

Cami Petcu commented
How can we add more attributes for products? Like a category of products or color or size?
Jordan Dunn commented
This would be great! A field to attach images would also be extremely useful
Laura Bridle commented
Furthermore - the ability to include image files would be excellent.
Laura Bridle commented
This would make keeping track of our inventory and providing detailed quotes SO much more straightforward.
Himanshu Munasinghe commented
I need custom fields in inventory items to have more date. pls fix this
AdminXero Team (Admin, Xero) commented
Ability to have customisable description fields for items in the Inventory.
Purpose: To have better notes if the user is able to customise the description item.