AU Payroll - Add portable long service leave report
Portable Long Service Leave Report - need a quarterly report that meets the Victorian Portable Long Service Leave requirements.
Adele Leahy commented
Feedback from Xero is that is not a priority.
Please get people to vote for this if you know others who require it.
Thanks -
Adele Leahy commented
Please provide this asap.
Adele Leahy commented
Please provide a timeline for this.
Thanks -
Cassy Streten commented
It is imperative. It would be fantastic if an additional field in the Employees section to add the registration details for the portable long service scheme and also be able to exact reports. Sooner rather than later would be great!
Stephanie Hurley commented
This would make reporting to PLSA so easy if available and save a lot of time especially when you have a large staff
Craig Bodman commented
It would be great if we had a report to get the data we need out to report each quarter to LeavePlus. They are the portable long service leave scheme in Victoria but there are similar schemes in other states. Currently it is time consuming with downloading payroll activity summary reports and putting them into a spreadsheet. As our team grows this will become more time consuming as well.
Linda Richards commented
This report is imperative, using payroll activity summary and detail reports to produce the figures and cross reference to ensure accurate data capture is wasting precious time and resources.