New Invoicing - Show Reply To email address when sending
New Invoicing - Show selected From Email
The old invoicing would show which Email address would be used as the from email when emailing an invoice to a client. This is an important double check to be sure I'm using the correct email address for the particular client. Since this has been removed I now have to remember to check the Email settings in a different tab before sending every invoice, which is very time consuming and is the primary reason I switch back to Classic every time I try the frustrating "New Invoicing" system after suffering through its hard to read product code text (tiny font size in a light grey colour lacking contrast) and lack of visible shipping address double checks, the lack of From Email is the missing feature that is the final straw for me to leave the new system and return to the Classic editor which is so much easier to see and use. See that the easy to use system is being discontinued in September, means it's important to get these missing features built into the new system.

Fiona Davidson commented
I have now created and Off Site petition..... Petition for Xero to stop making changes... -
Tanya Spence commented
This is essential for any sort of audit trail. Just having a note saying "sent" is completely unhelpful. What if the client disputes that it was sent? How do we have any sort of proof where it was sent. We use this feature extensively to ensure we are sending the invoice to the correct address and is this is almost the sole reason we stopped using it.