New Invoicing - 1-click option to delete lines
In Classic Invoicing there is an X to delete a line. In New Invoicing I have to click on the 3 dots then select Remove from the 2 options that are displayed (Save to inventory or Remove). Please can the function of a single click on the X be retained.

Thanks for your feedback and tuning into the idea here, everyone. Our team have been doing a lot of work in this space to iterate on new invoicing and improve the experience for our customers.
With one of our most recent updates the team implemented a change to the way you delete lines of your invoice. You'll now see a small 'bin' icon at the end of each line enabling you to easily delete lines as needed, without any extra clicks. 🙂
Yana Kalugina commented
This is absolutely paramount! please bring back the ability to delete extra lines with one click. I use XPM for invoicing, and it means that I often need to delete many lines. I am sure there are many people in the same position, where removing
Polly Hutchison commented
this is indeed critical. The shopify interface sends many sales tax lines and I do hope this is resolved BEFORE September. Thanks!
Laine Ratsep commented
I signed in just to see whether anybody else had complained. I got lots of extra lines sent over from WFMax - sometimes I use them for nil lines, sometimes I add more, but for most I remove them. Under the old functionality - click click click done. (Also, why is there an unremovable blank line at the end? It doesn't print out, fortunately. I can get used to it, but it's annoying in the short run.)
Craig Wisnewski commented
Under new invoicing to delete a line it takes multiple clicks (classic was only a single click). This is quite important quite important for Practices when they are creating invoices out of XPM, which often sends though multiple additional lines.