Dashboard - Deposit option from the + dropdown in the Menu banner
Greetings, is it possible to add a "Make a Deposit" option to the + Menu in the task bar? We've studied the batch deposit procedure, and it seems cumbersome. It would be helpful to have a simple process to click Make a Deposit from the main options, have the Undeposited Funds account appear, select items from the Undeposited Funds account, choose which account to transfer funds to, and save the deposit with the option to print a deposit slip and summary. If you already have this process in place, I would like to learn it, please. Thank you.

We appreciate the idea here, and will continue to track the interest in this. However, at this time we don't have plans for developing the ability to create a batch deposit / make a deposit from the blue navigational header, or the Dashboard in Xero.
Rebecca Kotnik commented
We are interested in this as well. Using the current batch deposit method, If you are checking invoices from multiple pages they uncheck when you switch pages or search for another invoice. I agree with the poster that Undeposited Funds account is the best practice
Brenda Christensen commented
It is dumb NOT to have this option. Every bookkeeping software I've worked with has this option. Why do I have to go receive money separately for each payor, and then when I import my bank statement, have to figure out which transactions go into each deposit?
We're a non-profit who receives random donations. We don't invoice people... which would just an additional, and unnecessary step.
Yes... I can receive money in one transaction, and dib out the account application, but then I have no record of WHO gave the money.
This needs to be prioritized, not put on the back burner. We can't be the only client that would love to have this option.I've been using Xero for a while now, moving new clients to it, but slowly, slowly finding quirks that aren't getting me what I need to manage efficiently. I'm having to find too many workarounds.
Harry Allan-Jones commented
can we please get a follow up.? is this happening.?