Dashboard - Add custom shortcuts as required
It would be helpful to be able to add shortcut icons on the dashboard for all of the things you use every day instead of having to go through the dropdown menus. (similar to the way the old quickbooks used).
For example, have a way to put an "invoice" icon on the dashboard. Or add "spend money" on the dashboard. Basically have a way to add whatever shortcut icons you want as every business is different.

Hi community - There are a few shortcuts that can help you get around and create transactions from many screens in Xero.
The '+' icon next to Search in the blue banner enables you to create a range of different document types, similarly there are shortcuts that can be entered in Search from the blue navigation bar that will take you to different features for example entering 'r' you can quickly select and be taken to 'All reports'
Are there other specific shortcuts you'd want to see here?
Andrew Knorr commented
Navigation - Providing some user configurable top level menu items for regularly used pages e.g. I'm often navigating to Draft Bills, there is no shortcut to this page so takes mutiple clicks to get there I'd love to have a placeholder in the main menu for this page (after Contacts) so I can navigate in 1 click. Another example is Reconciling my Checking bank account. Perhaps allow users to define a handful of custom shortcuts fot the same effect to reduce amount of clicks between screens.
Freya Pieroz commented
@Kelly maybe create credit note(s), create payrun, and create leave request? I use all of those much more frequently than manual journals (which Xero reminds me every time I create one that only accountants should do them) and I almost never use quotes (although I know my clients do) or transfer money (which I do from the bank feed and not prior to having created the transfer at the bank).