Quotes - Feature for customer to select which items to accept
It would be great if when a customer receives a quote, it were possible for them to select which items they wanted from the quote and to deselect the ones they didn't want.

Derek Middleton commented
Yes, this would be great value for my clients to see all services available and they can choose which services they would like to take at that moment. The items that have chosen should calculate to the final quote value. Those that are deselected should be great out.
This will allow the clients to see what services are available and to create their own custom package.
Nicky McGregor commented
We really need this as may need to move away from Xero if we can't have it.
We need the ability for clients to accept PARTS of a quote and not all of it - so accept or decline line by line. Or even better would be accept / decline / to be agreed a later date. As we have clients who know they definitely want X and they might want Y and when the see the quote they decide X for now and we might do Y later on in a few months - see how X goes. For example, they want a timetable writing but they don't know yet if they want help after that to implement the rooming and staffing. So we put that as optional on a separate line. Reading around the forum, it sounds like something similar MAY exist in Xero Practice Manager (although not quite right), but that is not an optional add on for us when we go to our account. -
Amanda Hubley commented
Option for customer to accept only selected lines. We quote customers for consumables for their equipment. Many times they will send us a Purchase Order based on the quote for only a few things on the quote. It would be useful to be able to Accept All or Accept Selected in which case you could choose the quote lines to be copied to the invoice. This is important to us because when we mark a quote as accepted after looking at the PO it takes time for us to put the order together. This will prevent accidental over supply of items not agreed to.
Victoria Gaylard commented
It would be great it quotes could have a tick box for the client to accept only some quoted items.
As an interior designer, I present quotes for a number of furniture options and it would be so helpful if the client could tick the boxes for what they do want, rather than only being able to accept the whole quote.
I'd also like the option to save the quote items and aren't accepted and only convert accepted items to an invoice, as sometimes the client will come back and purchase other quoted items at a later time.