Billable expenses - show invoice date
Please show the date of invoices in billable expenses.. It is easier for us to search the invoice..

Hi everyone, appreciate the feedback of the layout of detail in the Billable expenses modal of new invoicing. I've made sure to share your feedback here with the team.
To confirm, right now the date column is still included in this view however if you have a few billable expenses to assign you'll need to scroll down and then will see a horizontal scroll bar so you can scroll across to the date. Understand this isn't the most obvious atm, and I'll keep you updated here of any planned change.
Jill De Mey commented
New Invoicing - Billable expenses - Dear Xero, can you please add a date column in the new invoicing for billable expenses as it is very hard to bill per period. We use this function all the time and are not finding the new invoicing efficient when it not showing the bill or transaction dates. This is such a vital piece of information to have for a billable expense and when you are having to work on period reporting and processing in Xero. At this stage the new invoicing has shown to be less efficient and very clunky compared to the classic version. We would need a bilbale expense to show a date for this feature to be able to be used properly.
Xinrou Lim commented
Hi, could you please squeeze all the information in a box as old version? the new stupid design and layout really make our job harder. i have attached the pics of the comparison for your reference.
Jeannie Trainer commented
We assign lots of expenses, and the date column is vital in making this is a quick process. Taking it away defeats the purpose, please return to the original layout for adding billable expenses!
Philippa Somerset commented
The original layout was perfect, if it’s not broken don’t fix it! This change is not beneficial, please return the original layout.
Benjamin Brown commented
Without the date and amount this is going to be a lengthy process and completely defeats the purpose of saving time, please return the original layout!
Daniel Creed commented
Critical! The old layout was perfect for our needs, please reinstate the original layout.
Kristis Doritis commented
This is business critical for us, please return the dates and cost columns to as they were previously.
Lisa Gaskin commented
Agreed. Surely any changes should improve the billing process, we shouldn't be removing capabilities that we are already using daily.
Not being able to see the dates and amounts is really going to impact billing. If i have 60 receipts for Amazon over different billing periods I need to be able to see what I'm attaching and for what period.
To confirm, this is not a new ability we're asking Xero to add, this is a tool that your about to take away with the new change. The date and amount £ columns are vital so we know what we are attaching.
Where is the benefit in changing the layout?
Mind blown that we need to vote for this when clearly its not beneficial in any way to remove existing capabilities that people are using daily.
Daniel Barth commented
It seems logical that you should be able to automatically add the vendor and date when adding the billable expense to a customer invoice as well, not just the description field. It would save a ton of time.
Vicki-Leigh Fryer commented
Critical. It is not helpful at all that it only shows Contact and description as there could be multiple bills with the same contact and description. Xero I understand you want to simplify the clicks and make life easier but no date or amount like previous means we will have to spend more time making sure we are selecting the correct billable expense which defeats the purpose!
Barbara Blaber commented
Date is absolutely critical for me, but so is seeing description & amount. The old version layout was perfect for our needs.
Hannah Warwick commented
Yes this is such a pain! The dates and amounts are now on the right hand side which is hopeless, I need to see the dates so I can see what transactions need to be added as one item. Why change something that wasn't broken!
Xinrou Lim commented
New version
Xinrou Lim commented
Classic version
Xinrou Lim commented
Comparing the new version of billable expense to the old version, the old version is neat and the invoices are sorted by date. Please add in this feature to the new one. Please. It is really important for those whose use the billable expenses every month.....!!
Laura Arrowsmith commented
We use billable expenses to recharge group intercompany costs for each month, in the old version i could see the date of the expense however this has been removed in the new version, so unable to know if i am recharging the right month. Could you please add this back in?