Xero App store - Connected apps price and feature comparison
I am trying to find an app to help with cash flow forecasting. Xero could not have made it harder to compare. Why does the app overview page not say anything about the cost of the app? It only says free trial is available, however, I want to see what the ongoing cost is, before I even consider giving it a go. With Xero increasing costs so often and by an outrageous percentage, I find the lack of transparency of connected apps cost rather disingenuous. Xero needs to make it easier to not just search but also to compare features and benefits, and more importantly, costs. Also, the "connected apps" screen should not just give the option to disconnect but also to go to / open the app.

We appreciate for many small businesses having more information about connected apps pricing is important when making and choosing solutions for your business.
While this isn't currently available, it's something our team are looking into surfacing through the Xero App store.
There's a bit of work to go into it, but we'll keep you updated of any progress for this here. 😊