New invoicing - Searching items by start of field
New Invoicing - Type in Item - please change back to only searching start of field, as per old invoicing.
Now that typing in the Item field in the new invoicing brings up every item with that word or part word in anywhere, we either need to learn all the codes, or make sure our items all contain totally different words. It takes ages to find the item required.

Karen Witton commented
We have the same problem, not an ideal situation. We will have to reconfigure our entire 'item code' list to accommodate this issue.
Example attached
Thank you -
Richard Bergen commented
Invoicing - Only display the Item Code and Name when searching
In the old invoice version, when adding an item it would search just by the item code which was great.Now it searches and displays even in the item description, so now end up with a big list to scroll through with description also showing, and especially as the font is bigger.
Any chance this can be looked into and item search just looks at item code/name, without searching and displaying description,?
Freya Pieroz commented
Alternatively, list the items with that string at the start of the list and those where it is a part of the item code but not the start listed further down.