Online Invoicing - Auto attach PDF of invoice when saving as Draft
I've noticed that Xero is retiring classic invoicing, and that the Xero to Xero link option is not available in New Invoicing. Xero to Xero is an important feature for many of our clients especially in groups where there is intra-group invoicing with many items on an invoice this saves a lot of time! Please add Xero to Xero to new invoicing. I also want to ask if Xero to Xero can please automatically attach the pdf version of the invoice to the bill created in the opposite entity as this does not happen automatically.

Hi Michael, we have an idea for Xero to Xero in new invoicing and want to be open that this isn't something we'll be building into new invoicing however there is still a way to use this feature. You can have a read of my full post on the idea.
In relation to your second idea around auto attaching the PDF of an invoice when it's created as a bill in the recipients organisation. I'll slightly amend your idea for this here and we can get a sense of the appetite for this.