Bank Reconcile- Allow editing of one line item of a batch deposit
Currently there is the inability to edit one payment in a batch deposit that was created from the Reconcile screen without dismantling the entire batch (with Unreconcile, and then Remove and Redo). If the batch Deposit is created from the Invoice screen and one line item needs adjusting, we have and option to Edit Batch. This allows for removing one line item of the batch but preserves the remainder of the batch (less the removed line item). Please add the Edit Batch function to batch deposits created in the Reconcile screen too! It is a big pain point when you are wanting to adjust one thing and have to redo an entire batch that may include 10 or 20 or 30 or 50 other payments!

Glenn Clarke commented
I agree totally with the above. I will do a batch of 50 invoices, make one mistake, and have to click through them all over again! SOOOOO PAINFUL!
If we could import the remittance advice and have it preselect the invoices automatically, that would be the best.. but at the very least, being able to add one would be a big help.
Jamie Nordman commented
This ability would make batch transactions a lot more user friendly and easier to work with
Karen Most commented
This will save a lot of time when entering and editing batches.
Paul Bullock commented
Within Xero it is difficult to amend a bill if it has been paid without unallocating the payment. If this payment is part of a large payment run, you have to unallocate the whole paymemt file? this could be across hundreds of invoices. Could there be a way to unallocate a single payment entry from a large batch payment??
Isabel Cullens commented
Allow a batch payment to be edited once created to allow for bank details to be edited or lines removed before the payment has been reconciled to the statement. Currently have to redo the whole batch to make a single change.