NZ GST - Mark GST Return as filed
Please can there be an option to mark a GST Return as FILED in Xero , where it has been filed by another method.

Anastasiia Dorodnaia commented
Hi Xero Team,
Any update on this idea? Could you please update us (your users) on what your plans are? -
Geraldine Karaitiana commented
Not able to have the option to mark a GST return as filed in Xero is a waste of functionality in the GST reconciliation report. This would make life so much easier and professional when preparing accounts for audit.
Anastasiia Dorodnaia commented
We transfer refunds of GST between group entities—this function is not available to be logged to the GST Return through Xero lodged to IRD. For this reason, we manually lodge the GST return to IRD directly. In such cases, the GST returns do not show that they were lodged to IRD. It would be good to have an option to mark that the GST return was submitted to IRD, so there would be a clear view in Xero.
Raewyne Paterson commented
Sometimes GST returns need to be filed using MYIR rather than xero because of various reasons e.g IRD wanted some documentation to support a GST return etc (be great if we could upload documents with our Xero GST). If we have to file using MYIR the xero return shows finalised and there is no way to mark it as filed with IRD so it just sits there under in progress when its not, It would be good to be able to mark it filed.
Also the new GST return is fine but when you export to excel and there are no formulas adding up the columns, minor problem but still could be better.